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Straw Hats + Law/Kid Hype --- Done
Ryokugyu Hype --- Done
Shanks Hype --- Done
Sabo Hype --- Done
Buggy Hype --- Done
Crocodile Hype --- Done
Mihawk Hype --- Done
Hancock Hype --- Done
Blackbeard Hype --- Done
Rayleigh Hype --- Done
Koby Hype --- Done
SSG Hype --- Done

Oda is taking his time Hyping all Major Players of Final Saga, which means:

Dragon Hype --- Loading
Akainu Hype --- Loading
Other Admirals Hype --- Loading
Weevil Hype --- Loading
Imu Hype --- Loading
Urouge Hype --- Loading

Shiryu? Magellan? Sengoku? Gorosei? Lucci?
Vegapunk? Smoker? Elbaf? ... etc
Don't lose your hope, he will still stomp Ceaser and the Germa. They still will leave duo these two invaders on CaCao island. And I'm pretty sure these are Shiryuu and co, since Blackbeard only took Vasco and Devon with him, the others been on different missions.
We will see Kata vs Shiryuu most like. Will end still in a L for Kata,Cracker and Oven, since BB top guys will steal the RP.
where was this "hallucination gas" in the tea party ?!
what happened to smoothie and the others plot ?!
his treatment with BMPs is unbelievable...
I wonder how of off their abilities the new pacifista really have. Like without the devil fruit abilities thats a big minus tho maybe they makeup for it with them being cyborg lunarian
I hope we get ones of crocodile, moria, and jinbe even tho they left their positions pre timeskip. Hybrid Fishman lunarian 🤺

I doubt teach got one but i itd still be cool
Lunarian cyborg law and especially weevil sounds hype as hell tho
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