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Hope the Seraphim are not the “numbers” all over again
Hyped only in introduction but show nothing more impressive than an average fodder
Getting kinda tired of these scientifically modified humans plot
Probably will be the case. I totally see them being the "Numbers" of the Final War. Mid Trio and maybe Monster Trio oneshot a few before their proper fights
Bro if the WG has Mihawk action figures plus Lunarian genes and shit, Mihawk honestly has no claim to Admiral level. Literally the Admirals’ inferiors are liked buffed little Mihawks.
Notice how you have these actions figures casually being destroyed

Mihawk can destroy like 1 million of them
They fucking know that shit that's why they gave Mihawk 3.6 billion bounty

They are Mihawk action figures aka Toys designed after Mihawk and they shit on all vice admirals.
The man blocks a slash that cleaved a big ass mountain in two with CoA only and his Haki is trash??
Teach was barely trying and block a insane cut attack with his CoA. People argue and downplay Ace for years that he lose to Yami BB, but Blackbeard actually has an insane haki and I think his CoA was always on point.
Which hype Ace also more @Bogard :steef:

But really BB feats are crazy good.
But also the Rayleigh hype is legit, I always say legends like Sengoku,Rayleigh and Shiki been monsters on their own. Now imagine Prime Garp,Roger and Whitebeard.
No wonder that even Kaido and Big mom hype them soo much. If Prime Rayleigh is that strong, imagine Roger!! The true Pirateking indeed, people should stop to downplay the old era.
Straw Hats + Law/Kid Hype --- Done
Ryokugyu Hype --- Done
Shanks Hype --- Done
Sabo Hype --- Done
Buggy Hype --- Done
Crocodile Hype --- Done
Mihawk Hype --- Done
Hancock Hype --- Done
Blackbeard Hype --- Done
Rayleigh Hype --- Done
Koby Hype --- Done
SSG Hype --- Done

Oda is taking his time Hyping all Major Players of Final Saga, which means:

Dragon Hype --- Loading
Akainu Hype --- Loading
Other Admirals Hype --- Loading
Weevil Hype --- Loading
Imu Hype --- Loading
Urouge Hype --- Loading

Shiryu? Magellan? Sengoku? Gorosei? Lucci?
Vegapunk? Smoker? Elbaf? ... etc
What about bonney?
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