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OMG a Buggy one LMAO! Thats gonna be hilarious! Buggys reactions to that will be top tier! @Rottkins @CoC: Color of Clowns @EmperorBuggy

Idk how but if Perona could have saved Moria somehow, that would b really swell and sweet. We know Devon, Vasco and Blackbeard himself arent at the island anymore, so I wonder if Moria got left with Shiryu (And Avalo in the skull) and presumably the other BB pirates there then too?

I do suspect he might end up working for BB and Perona gets caught up in that too as a result of it. I really hope he and especially she don't die, I'm scared for it. Devon would never let Perona live too.
Real buggy top 1
Lunarian buggy top 2

If mario does come back mans better comeback yoked like back in the day just like crocodile did. Im tired of seeing him get bullied it's getting sad
Child him beating his ass would suck

With devon seemingly dumb to hax perona should hopefully be fine. Especially if they join cross guild


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
Did Shanks warning the Gorosei about BB lead to increase in BB's bounty. Or did he do something else before coming for Boa.

Still don't see why people have to go after Boa. Seems like a really pathetic excuse by Oda to get Boa and Luffy together.

This is Neji dying to get NaruHina done all over again.
What's funnier is that SSG have the same fire defense as King
but this time they won't be turning it off for no reason like King did with Zoro

the ones that will break SSG defense will shit on Zoro vs King match because they will actually beat through the defense
Go back and re-read chapter 1035. King indirectly acknowledged Zoro could beat his flame defense. That's why he entered his faster mode and created distance between them. Since he couldn't stop Zoro attack with his defense his only opinion was to evade it. Unfortunately, Zoro's CoC attack speed was too fast from him and he was blizted by Zoro.

We don't know if the new pacifica defense is equal to King.
Go back and re-read chapter 1035. King indirectly acknowledged Zoro could beat his flame defense. That's why he entered his faster mode and created distance between them. Since he couldn't stop Zoro attack with his defense his only opinion was to evade it. Unfortunately, Zoro's CoC attack speed was too fast from him and he was blizted by Zoro.
literally headcanon

all Zoro did was hit King without fire
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