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Dodging? Classic Shishio
Dude ignoring a random crazy man screaming "Earth is flat" on a free speech area isn't called dodging its called valuing your time.

My time is worth too much to respond to a broken drum like you

Why don't you try to convince people who EoS Sanji will surpass Jinbeis current bounty lmao
Nope, it's the only other possibility
And why is he not with his flame on when Aramaki has him pinned down like a garbage can?
Why his bum ass is in "speed mode" when he's tied up?
why king used speed mode when he said you have kingly ambition :endthis:

either Aramki snuffed his flame out
or this bum is the worst fighter of all characters and even Franky would beat his shit in
waiting for eos sanji to have the ap to even injure king :josad:


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Stop bothering with zoro fans

People are forgetting these seraphims have also giants dna + cyborg body
Their durability > King with flames on + zoan df
Yet Teach has no issue low low diffing one easily

GB trashed King with mere plants
King was trashed like Raizou was
are you ok?:doffytroll:
Teach didn't run from Ray
Ray admits inferiority to Teach
Gb admitted inferiority to Kaido ran away after getting hit by Shanks CoC
Both are below Yonko, GB has better feats than Ray could ever have.

Prime Ray can't beat any Yonko, he wanted to 2v1 non prime Oden
He couldn't beat Young Kata/Marco/Vista back in the days.
No Rocks pirates gives a damn about him
Oden doenst also hype him.

Yonko > Prime Ray ~ Kizaru >= GB > Old Ray / Kid/ Law
ray become young again:suresure::suresure::suresure:
Blackbeard + Crew ran from 79 year old Rayleigh. Ray gave him an order and he obeyed.

Kizaru fought 77 year old Rayleigh to a standstill.

Prime Ray ~ Admirals >~ Teach ~ Shanks > Rocks bums
Blackbeard and his two subordinates left the island on a contract
And on that island he has to fight SSG, navy, Rayleigh, Kuja pirates with only two of his subordinates man grow up
Teach didn't run from Ray
Ray admits inferiority to Teach
Gb admitted inferiority to Kaido ran away after getting hit by Shanks CoC
Both are below Yonko, GB has better feats than Ray could ever have.

Prime Ray can't beat any Yonko, he wanted to 2v1 non prime Oden
He couldn't beat Young Kata/Marco/Vista back in the days.
No Rocks pirates gives a damn about him
Oden doenst also hype him.

Yonko > Prime Ray ~ Kizaru >= GB > Old Ray / Kid/ Law
Dude Raileigh literally said that he can't beat Blackbeard BECAUSE he's old.
If you kill retarded neurons in your brain what is the implication? THAT IF HE WASN'T OLD HE COULD
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