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He freaked out when he saw Rayleigh.
He was planning to kill Hancock.

Rayleigh showed up and told him to GTFOH, and he shut up and obeyed.

We need a Chad Rayleigh emote @stormylife.
Rayleigh in this chapter doesn't look that good. He literally admitted he would lose (in his old age) if Blackbeard decided to stay and fight back.
Imo, Rayleigh was saved by 3 reasons:
1. Blackbeard always act like this, avoid fights without any prize or fight that he isn't sure he can win. Has happened before, abandoned new ship after seeing Akainu on it.
If Blackbeard had personality like Zou Jack who is unstoppable and no compromize, Rayleigh would be dead right now.
2. Rayleigh is DFless so fighting him is pointless for Blackbeard.
If he ate any DF that is on Teach's list, then he was gone too.
3. Blackbeard didn't bring his full crew and only accompanied by Devon and Vasco Shot. That's probably even worse than Luffy entering WCI with just half of his crew.
Stop it. King is mid diffing Lata. Katakuri is also losing to Queen. Ceaser proved that he's helpless against Plague techniques.
Ling and Lueen cannot beat pre exo Sanji. Katakuri negged superior Vinsmokes with better exoskeleton and speed in 10 seconds without Caesar interference. Ling and Lueen are lucky if they can beat RS Niji.

Akainu a FS user was helpless against old sick WB who did not have hax attacks.
Whitebeard crew of Kids was equal to Roger crew according to the manga.
Which means that Rayleigh Is probably more close to Gaban than to Roger.:josad:

See? Prime Rayleigh's CoC didn't even defeat younger version of Whitebeard's Commanders.

Don't compare him to the Hero Monkey D. Garp Who defeated Rocks, the Greatest rival of Roger, alongside Roger himself.
"with upperhand constantly shifting from side to side"

damn, I want Oda's explanation on how Whitebeard's crew pushed back Rayleigh and Gaban

Garp was simply laughing at idea of BM and Kaidou reuniting.

He was chiling like no big deal.
Yet he shat his pants and told his men to not fuck with Rayleigh because he isn't strong enough to save them from him.

It makes sense anyways
Marines literally know where Rayleigh is, they put huge bounty on him but they don't have balls to capture him.

Yami Blackbeard had zero issues fighting both Garp and Sengoku at the same time
Prime Blackbeard shat himself against Rayleigh
his WSC was overruled by Whitebeard's WSM + world's strongest pirate
AdmiraLcuck cope. Kaido was the strongest after Whitebeard died. Killer called Kaido the World's Strongest Pirate. Lhanks will never be better than Waido because Lhanks is a garbage character who is eternally weaker than Wihawk. Lakainu is weaker than Waido btw. Even Boa Hancock beats Lakainu.
And i feel bad for Kata stans. Ceaser ruined his life. Kizaru didn't sweat at all while Teach did.
Caesar didn't ruin kata.
Even though it sucks... this is hax powers
If you aren't careful/on guard, you will fall to it effects.

You know GB ruined your wants hard
Oda would never have a Yonko shiver and have snots while giving up
so the seraphim have Kings dna too? this explain why oda didn't confirmed if sanji has king dna, Queen didn't even guess despite questioning his fire ability, maybe with this things it would later confirm in the future.

Gol D. Roger

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@Echizen_Jo_Ndule acts like a dishonest crackhead when he describes the raws according to his agendas.

Folks have learnt literally next to nothing after all the dishonesty about GB.
It's funny how GB retreating from Shanks and crew when he was up against the entire Wano made him shit by default but the same people sit here and make excuses for Blackbeard from retreating against Rayleigh. At least be consistent with your logic, ffs.
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