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Most of the major players have been seen yet. Only Weevil is left and seeing how Marco went back to Whitebeard's island saying he still has something to do, i'm gonna guess that Oda will reintroduce the Weevil vs Marco plot. I'm assuming judging by Weevil's hype that he should be in the 2 bIllions range in terms of bounty
Point is why did oda introduce weevil ? For what ? Trash
Seriously the fact that you are trying to convince one irrelevant weirdo on the internet that Mihawk is barely Yonko level when his portrayal royally shits on Yonko and vast vast VAST majority more than 99% of fan base already thinks he's at least Yonko level after latest chapter is pathetic

@Shanal @ShadyOjiro
I didn't claim any of that. And why would Mihawk automatically assume he's sick...?

Oldbeard > any Yonko. That's his reputation, and that's what Mihawk thought of him as. Strongest Pirate/Man in the world.

The fact he wanted to see the distance alone shows he didn't know how strong WB was. Only his reputation.

You really didn't read anything I said, did you?

Why respond then? You literally ignored the ENTIRE post.

If you want to shittalk in bad faith, you can do it. 99% people here are ridiculing you anyway, and are probably justified if your response to anyone actually reading your shit and responding is "COPE" followed by something completely unrelated to what they said lol
You are a true hero man. How can you still argue with this guy's ludicrous statements when its clear that he wont admit he's wrong no matter what, even if Oda himself send him personal message.
How strong do yall think current blackbeard is compared to the original yonko
Imo still think he hasnt surpassed the rocks trio. Tho with the yami fruit he has a better chance against them matchup wise

Bb vs shanks idk tbh depends when they fight if they do. Also how many fruits blackbeard has if he gets more

Luffy idk either in general they might be comparable but in an actual fight i do see current blackbeard still winning


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
He's Fodder because he got killed by his fodder crew.

I don't need to assume he got YC levels characters in his crew that would literally make him the Yonko
not everyone want to be yonko. Pirates want treasures and fame, and john had the big treasures after op.
His crew should be strong to obtain it
@Blackbeard This random BB CoA wank from Oda really doesn’t make any sense tbh. At MF, BB was easily getting cut open by Deadbeard, and even Ace could impale him with a low level attack. Was he not using CoA to defend himself back then, or did he massively improve his Haki over the TS?
It's precisely because it doesn't make sense that i warned you years ago not to place every dehype moment of pre timeskip Teach under the microscope.

Feat analysis be damned, fights are mostly plot-driven.
He was called World's Strongest Pirate.

And no, everyone still called him WSM. No one knew he was sick until he showed his sickness. Even Marco was surprised when he didn't react to Squadro. Marineford was where Whitebeard's real condition came to light.

Sekai Saikyou no Otoko.. World Strongest Man..

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