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You can cry
You guys claim his CoO is the best or above fs users or fuji.
Yet he can't gauge how strong wb was?
I didn't claim any of that. And why would Mihawk automatically assume he's sick...?

Oldbeard > any Yonko. That's his reputation, and that's what Mihawk thought of him as. Strongest Pirate/Man in the world.

The fact he wanted to see the distance alone shows he didn't know how strong WB was. Only his reputation.
He did gauge and realised the gap is there...that's why he tested how big/small it is.
WB then laughs at his slash which got blocked by Jozu, without hyping Mihawk at all.

Cope more

Yonko >~ Sickbeard > Admirals >~ Mihawk
You really didn't read anything I said, did you?

Why respond then? You literally ignored the ENTIRE post.

If you want to shittalk in bad faith, you can do it. 99% people here are ridiculing you anyway, and are probably justified if your response to anyone actually reading your shit and responding is "COPE" followed by something completely unrelated to what they said lol
See what I mean? That’s what everyone does

Do you think you see Luffy fans in the Roger threads saying “Roger > All” for no reason? It’s cause that’s his EOS goal

Roger is barely a character (like Mihawk/Shanks) yet people will fellate him for agenda purposes

Shit, you’ll probably see Erkan hyping Wang Zhi to Admiral+ level next week

Maybe he should invest his wank on Rayleigh who just made Blackbeard his bitch
We just saw that all the smiles were useless with the only exception of Momo's fruit.
SSG literally cloned younger warlords with lunarian genes no need for exo or raidsuits.
Queen is a pacifista shooting lasers.... Viruses are garbage against any serious opponent, the raid proved that besides the fodders nobody had a problem.
All of them know how to manipulate lineage factor
Give them enough resources and they would definitely be able to surpass vegapunk
And who said he would've defeated them ?
Don't cope for BB, he dipped because he wasn't about fucking with Old Rayleigh. It's that easy.
The marines and him dipped because they cut their loses and got their members back
I didn't claim any of that. And why would Mihawk automatically assume he's sick...?

Oldbeard > any Yonko. That's his reputation, and that's what Mihawk thought of him as. Strongest Pirate/Man in the world.

The fact he wanted to see the distance alone shows he didn't know how strong WB was. Only his reputation.

You really didn't read anything I said, did you?

Why respond then? You literally ignored the ENTIRE post.

If you want to shittalk in bad faith, you can do it. 99% people here are ridiculing you anyway, and are probably justified if your response to anyone actually reading your shit and responding is "COPE" followed by something completely unrelated to what they said lol
I don't have to read all you wrote since I read such posts for 6 years now
Same old excuses
You can cry
You guys claim his CoO is the best or above fs users or fuji.
Yet he can't gauge how strong wb was?

He did gauge and realised the gap is there...that's why he tested how big/small it is.
WB then laughs at his slash which got blocked by Jozu, without hyping Mihawk at all.

Cope more

Yonko >~ Sickbeard > Admirals >~ Mihawk
Using Marineford feats is about as useful as using the fact that Shanks loss his arm to a fish. That is far bigger dehype than anything we have seen so far.

But yea keep coping and ignoring manga facts. Yonkou is a worthless title Mihawk throws in the trash can. He doesn't even need that title to get a bounty higher than two Yonkous.

Two arm Shanks cant even beat Mihawk let alone a one arm cripple. Far weaker COA, worse swordsmanship and probably worse at imbuing COC. All he is better at is scaring tired admirals with an entire army at his disposal. :milaugh:
@Blackbeard This random BB CoA wank from Oda really doesn’t make any sense tbh. At MF, BB was easily getting cut open by Deadbeard, and even Ace could impale him with a low level attack. Was he not using CoA to defend himself back then, or did he massively improve his Haki over the TS?
You can cry
You guys claim his CoO is the best or above fs users or fuji.
Yet he can't gauge how strong wb was?

He did gauge and realised the gap is there...that's why he tested how big/small it is.
WB then laughs at his slash which got blocked by Jozu, without hyping Mihawk at all.

Cope more

Yonko >~ Sickbeard > Admirals >~ Mihawk
Man do you understand that Zoro will surpass Rayleigh who as this chapter point out yonko level at his prime?

Zoro needs to best a yonko level character for that and Mihawk is his endgame boss as we know.
Mihawk is yonko level which will make Zoro yonko lvl+ by EoS.

Oda just showed what level Zoro must get and what lvl his final opponent must have in order to surpass Rayleigh.
Ill admit that I only defend Rayleigh because he's a Zoro yardstick lol.
And I've defended Mihawk for a long time for similar reasons that I grew to like him as well.
But hey, I also defend most of, if not all Warlords, because I think they are underrated by the community in general (atleast before the new bounties broke that perception).
Like I've defended Doffy, Kuma, Jinbe, Crocodile etc,. for a long time as well despite them having zero relations to Zoro. King is another example, I've been a fan even before he fought Zoro, d1 since his intro.

Yeah there are definitely exceptions to the rule

Liking Mihawk the more we see him is fair as well

I’ll rescind my 100% agenda comment. I’ll say it’s 95% agenda when it comes to the fandom

Some people do hype certain characters cause they feel they deserve it
I don't have to read all you wrote since I read such posts for 6 years now
Same old excuses
There's no excuses. You've literally not once- I repeat, not once managed to respond to any of these points with anything other than deflections or insults.

Man, you do you. No one takes you seriously at this point, not even the usual Zoro/Mihawk downplayers. And if anyone tries to, you don't even read what they say and start shittalking angrily.

You're creating your own shit reputation as a troll at this point.
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