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Shanks is a man. WSM > Shanks

WSP > Kaido

Aren't you same guy on copium who was pulling DBs as evidence for Kengo? Now you're pretending volume entries by Oda are wrong.

Absolutely shameless clown

kaido ∼WSM∼Shanks∼Big Mom> Mihawk..:kayneshrug:

You're bringing your bullshit entries is the most shameless thing ever when it's never stated that Whitebeard was the
strongest Pirate at Marineford ever.. Or from the moment he was introduced..

I don't have time to read your excuses
You can't ban toxic and racists coz you love them in their racism and stupidity.

I don't expect these other mods or users to get it, they are not black.
Plus some of them are or may be racists/toxic too anyway. They just hide it
But when you, Van AND other black users keep allowing shishio and others to act such ways yet smiling like clowns 'it is okay he's not racist, he doesn't mean anything wrong...he just wanna fit in"
I don't give a damn if he's all cool
He can talk normal without saying N word
Keep tap dancing for shishio &'s all cool

I brought up this issue on discord lately, also on the forum weeks or days ago when I posted on my profile.
Why do you have to make this so dark dude ?
Bro you are interpreting stuff you definitely are on helium lmao. It says his power but does it mean literal power or metaphoric? If someone is charismatic enough to gain many followers means someone has the power to make people obey. Thats what that marine meant and not „BuGgy iS sTronGer thAn tHouse TwO“ if they meant buggy being stronger than mihawk it would make buggy by default more dangerous than mihawk and therefore end in a higher bounty than him which it certainly didn’t. And don’t tell me he cannot be more dangerous while being stronger than mihawk that would take away the last bit of credibility thats left in you lmao. By your logic buggys bounty also inflated by marine hunting. So you cannot say mihawks bounty got higher than buggy because he is marine hunting. They all are you illiterate clown.
Lets go slowly for your ZKK brain obviously you are pushing it too hard,

''Brannew: “Buggy the Genius Jester”!!
Adding on to what was previously mentioned…and most importantly…is his power that made those two obey him..!!''

Does it say Buggy is stronger than Mihawk or not? :suresure:

kaido ∼WSM∼Shanks∼Big Mom> Mihawk..:kayneshrug:

You're bringing your bullshit entries is the most shameless thing ever when it's never stated that Whitebeard was the
strongest Pirate at Marineford ever.. Or from the moment he was introduced..
You bringing DB is ok. But entries written by Oda bs. Lmao
Lets go slowly for your ZKK brain obviously you are pushing it too hard,

''Brannew: “Buggy the Genius Jester”!!
Adding on to what was previously mentioned…and most importantly…is his power that made those two obey him..!!''

Does it say Buggy is stronger than Mihawk or not? :suresure:
You clearly didn’t read my post and I am getting tired so read it and bring an counter argument clown.


The Road To Harmony
So you wanna jump into conclusions, revaluate Vegapunk's and Fujitora's characters and moralities and revaluate again after every new information?
I'm not jumping to any conclusions, quite the contrary. I'm just saying that there's more to these characters than we let on, and that Oda could go one way or the other with them.
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