One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

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yamato seems like going to be jinbe way, the question is how long she needs to wait till momo can survive without her? no way she keep guarding wano until momo become mature it would be 10 years. strawhat already reach raftel multiple times then lol.

but boa join strawhat seems more interesting case thou lol. she need to leave the island like franky too. i like the idea.

Pot Goblin

I'd say despite Boa being choked she did a great job with putting both Blackbeard and the Marines in a stalemate. She basically made it so that their potential victory would come with way too many casualties. Blackbeard would lose 2 captains and a bunch of crew members. Marines would lose a vice admiral, a higher ranking marine, and a bunch of standard marines.

Also something tells me that Koby went along voluntarily for one reason or another. My guess is that Blackbeard didn't want to leave empty handed so he opted for Koby instead.
- Rayleigh vs BB offscreened. BB running again from a top tier wtf. Shouldn't this be a great opportunity to give BB a fucking W and make him fight Rayleigh but instead he kidnapped Koby.
Rayleigh vs bb wasnt offscreened bc there was never a fight to begin with. Bb is a coward, we knew that already.

- BB randomly going to Amazon Lilly just for a devil fruit makes no narrative sense.
Bb hunts powerful devil fruits. So yes it makes sense.

-Seraphim are exactly like the pacifista with a buff. Pacifista were using Kiazru's and Kumas powers and now the Seraphim are using warlords powers. Absolutely no narrative difference.
It already served a huge narrative difference since the warlord system was disbanded bc of them. They are pretty much a perfected version of the pasifistas. Its also a proof of how skilled vegapunk is. What did you expect to see? Death Star?
I am not a fan of just seeing characters...when the story seems so stupid. And in the end we achieved nothing because it again ended in a cliffhanger with BB taking Koby(which might be the only thing he achieved so far for us readers).
True, this is a great chance for Oda to have BB do something but he does nothing at the end. Oda is just writing random chapters instead of a coherent stories. He can still have a chance to explain how BB got 3.9b but knowing Oda he will simply sweep it under the rug.
It already served a huge narrative difference since the warlord system was disbanded bc of them
The most important narrative is the agenda Piece.
I would hate to a BB fan right now, stalemated by a robot kid Mihawk with a plastic sword and ran from the almighty Dark King, that's the narrative that matters. This will last us for a couple of years.:kobeha:
Chapter didn't make sense, still infinitely better than Wano though, however:

- Rayleigh vs BB offscreened. BB running again from a top tier wtf. Shouldn't this be a great opportunity to give BB a fucking W and make him fight Rayleigh but instead he kidnapped Koby.
- Terrible flashback.
- BB randomly going to Amazon Lilly just for a devil fruit makes no narrative sense.
-Seraphim are exactly like the pacifista with a buff. Pacifista were using Kiazru's and Kumas powers and now the Seraphim are using warlords powers. Absolutely no narrative difference.
I agree with everything except seraphim part. It is the most interesting part. I don't think seraphims are just pacifists with warlord powers. I think Vegapank might have replicated other powerful pirates too. Even top tiers have to put some effort to put them down given their massive durability and they are expendable since they can be made again. One may not do much but imagine with massive army. That's what makes a narrative difference.
This is a good day for Swordmans aka Zoro agenda:steef:

First, the new SGG is a bad copy of the original one still give a bump in term of potrayed for King (the zero guy for the lunaria) for Mihawk (a casual non blacken blade swing cut in half the island), and was able to come out undamage from a clash with BB which used black hole.

The best aint over, then comes Ray:steef:, this guy is a monster (legend) aint enough to descrive how good was in this chapter (basically he pull a Shanks Marine Ford moment) which fanbase used for decade to put shanks on the top, well well Prime Ray is definitly even stronger than the current Shanks, (I am not sure about Wihmak):kata:

All this is connected to Woro, which his extreme haki (remeber haki is skill:suresure:) destroyed the original SGG, scared to death 2 yonkos, stop the strongest attack in One Piece, and used Asura with 30broken bones (which even Law was speechless:myman:)

EoS Zoro = to the strongest Joy Boy
The most important narrative is the agenda Piece.
I would hate to a BB fan right now, stalemated by a robot kid Mihawk with a plastic sword and ran from the almighty Dark King, that's the narrative that matters. This will last us for a couple of years.:kobeha:
Blackbeard is shit. It is simple as that. Looks like he is not going to be the end-game villain.