The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
You keep assuming without evidence, typical.
So where is your evidence?

My evidence? Kuzan has a bounty of 3.3 billion. While Shiryu's captain has 3.99 billion. You think Shiryu will be in between them?

I know Bounty =/= power. But it is pretty clear who is a top tier and who is just mere commander.


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
There's no point in debating this over fake spoilers, Shiryu > Kuzan if Kuzan is under BB, Zoro is not fighting Kuzan unless he fights both and then Kuzan can be stronger than Shiryu. :myman:
Like how BM was weaker than King, right? Kuzan can be and is stronger than Shiryu. If Kuzan is under BB and wants to seriously fight, somebody else will have to take care of him just like Wano.

The end.