It just means Admiral fucking bodies King 1v1. Would actually like that to be true since Geo pretending like King actually stands a chance against an Admiral is fucking annoying.
A Yonkou couldn't body, actually didn't do shit against a pseudo King with no dino DF or haki, put some respect on King, without plot nerfs the Admirals will look even dumber than BB.
Top tiers can't body strong YC1 like that. :arnoling:
Aokiji has frozen people entirely before and allowed them to survive (Robin). It's possible that Saul is still alive (ugh I hope not).
i feel like its 100% likely that Saul is alive. the move he used was literally called "Ice Time Capsule". A time capsule is something you seal up for years and years and then open up at a later date. if Oda wanted me to think Kuzan killed him he should have called the move Ice Coffin. He's obviously coming back.