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Any thing that works for both parties.

And about that opinion of yours; how they are doing the world good if they dont marry?
if you assume the person you are going to marry should take advantage of a law meant to help victims of marital rape ,
you either are the type of person the law is trying to keep in check or you were most likely never going to develop enough trust in anyone to get married anyway.


I will never forgive Oda
Exactly. Jumping directly into the dance would be weird w/o all these info being told.

I wonder how many seasons are they gonna take to cover the dance though.
IIRC, the timeskip is episode 6. The season supposedly ends with the Greens & Blacks, so...

I think every season but this one?

The Dance itself requires at least 2 seasons but giving it 4 is gluttonous IMO.
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