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Chapter 1060

Title: Sovereign

Strawhats arrive at an unknown Island

There are animals at the bay who look like Cyberpunk creatures. One of them is a Huge Gorilla with a Bazooka on the back.

Dragon meets Kujiro to discuss about a legendary music instrument from Old Wano.

We see Imu holding Enels head on the moon. Enel is dead.

Kaido is alive. He's in the middle of the earth. There's a huge underground lava sea with big emerald mountains a dinosaurs. One a hill there's Scopper gabban riding a Dinosaur.

Smoker and Tashigi heading to Behive. Vegapunk is with them (only silhouette).

Strawhats all KOed by a mysterious force we see a silhouette with spikey hair.

End of chapter.
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