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yeah i know that’s why i said it would be a retcon

i said if his dream is about spreading peace/being a hero then it’s a retcon
Lol...Luffy is not Naruto....he never had once shown any indication about such grandiose thoughts like peace......all he cares about is his friends, meat, and Sabo...


the question was Lulusia Kingdom destroyed because they joined the revos or because Sabo was there? and he revealed Imu's existence?
I doubt that Sabo will die because of what happened . i mean Sabo is a logia and can for sure flee fast as well.
Wait Sabo revealed Imu's existence? ?
start talking about the crew’s dreams it has been 400 chapters since they have been mentioned
why they have to talk...we already know their dreams.....rather Oda show it better like Nami drawing a map of some island...Robin deciphering poneglyph (we don't know what was written on the poneglyphs that was taken from WCI and Wano)....Franky dream is related to sunny....etc...


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
can oda stop talking about luffy’s dream and progress and start talking about the crew’s dreams it has been 400 chapters since they have been mentioned

except ussop he mentions it regularly
Zoro talked about his recently too. It is fine. They don't need to be mentioned. Oda needs to show some actions towards those dreams.

How difficult is it to insert a little bit of clue somewhere that All Blue does exist? Or have clues about the place Dr. Hiluluk visited.


can oda stop talking about luffy’s dream and progress and start talking about the crew’s dreams it has been 400 chapters since they have been mentioned

except ussop he mentions it regularly
Zoro didn't mention becoming wss for the entirety of wano except for a flashback vs King.

Sanji hasn't mentioned all blue since FMI

Nami hasn't mentioned making a map of the world in 600+ chapters

Brook hasn't even talked about Laboon since FMI.

Only Luffy,Robin,Chopper and Franky have mentioned their goals in wano

But he wastes 500 panels on a character that amounts to nothing but controversy and merchandise.

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why they have to talk...we already know their dreams.....rather Oda show it better like Nami drawing a map of some island...Robin deciphering poneglyph (we don't know what was written on the poneglyphs that was taken from WCI and Wano)....Franky dream is related to sunny....etc...
have zoro yell he wants to be world’s strongest swordsman same way luffy does

have sanji mention his dream to his enemies too

Have nami draw maps of islands we visited after each arc literally just a small panel of her drawing is enough

have chopper produce medicine to diseases of kingdoms he visit

robin is actively reading them so it’s alr same with franky since he shares his dream with luffy, also it feels like brook forgot about laboon

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
I genuinely think Luffys dream is related to countering famine. Didn't he say he didn't want people to starve, to create a world where they didn't vs Kaido? Before he beat him? (Still processing that he actually beat and killed Kaido WTF).

We saw how Tamas situation came up and personally affected Luffy, her starving, getting poisoned etc.
He obviously related heavily with what happened at WCI and lack of his chef bro Sanji. Luffy almost dying to the poisonous fish, not being able to cook a successful meal without Sanji/support (extremely relatable) and telling Sanji he can't be Pirate King without him.
Luffy willingly starved himself because he refused to eat any other food except Sanjis, he needed him back. That's ride or die right there. Luffy almost died again from the starvation, exhaustion and being brutally beaten by the enraged army.

Now, thus brings me to my next points. Who else almost starved to death and was getting extremely exhausted too? Big Mom ofc.
Sanji couldn't let her starve to death literally and fed her like he did with Gin, even though she was blatantly an extremely dangerous, ruthless and unstoppable enemy to him and his friends and family.

Anyway, the points I'm trying to make is that, Luffy and Sanji share deep personal relationship with food and starvation.

I've suspected in the unknown past of Luffy we've yet to learn, Luffy may have faced famine too and that's why he doesn't like sharing his meat too, he needed that meat back then especially to survive. IIRC he had to survive by himself as a child and hunt animals and feed himself alone at one point?

Anyway, I feel starvation is a massive secret issue for Luffy, maybe he's just a foodie like me and a lot of us ofc.

Final part is that Bonney has a huge appetite too like Luffy and Big Mom. She even has blatant other similarities to BM and all 3 have similar feisty tempers abd attitudes too.
Someone joked elsewhere she would reveal herself as Luffys mum to him. Maybe possible and I've jokingly suggested she must be related to him before as well as to Big Mom especially on a more serious note.
Ive even joked BM could be Luffys grandma lmao.

But seriously, I think this is all deliberate by Oda ofc and Luffy and Sanji will form a somewhat tumultuous bond with Bonney at least, due to their shared love of food amongst other reasons.

TL:DR - I think Luffys dream will involve countering world hunger (although that should be Sanjis dream) and maybe specifically moving towards bringing joy and ending famine? So like a sort of throwing the biggest party/BBQ/feast whatever?
A sort of similar dream to Big Moms where everyone can come and be fed, eat at the same table, dine together in the biggest banquet/feast ever?
Amazing post. I think this is Oda's dream, too: to make it so that all children can eat well.

Zoro ties into this too. Zoro was introduced as starving for the sake of his bet with Helmeppo,, and he ate the badly-made rice balls off the ground, to appreciate the girl's kindness, even telling Luffy and Koby to tell the girl that the food was "delicious". Zoro embodied two of Sanji's traits here, respect for food, and kindness.

Zoro was with Luffy to deliver the food to Okobore Town in Wano. Shimotsuki Ushimaru refused to eat food, and gave it to Yamato instead.
Yeah who learnt haki to bypass defense to hurt Kaido is dumb while one who just throws junk against Kaido is intelligent...Luffy not being strategy person (not exactly) is not him being dumb...Luffy adapts to situations and evolve in is thaty being dumb...
i literally said dumb outside of fights

meaning in fighting he isn’t dumb
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