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well didn’t crocodile say something similar but in the end luffy could hurt him also aces fire is pretty weak compared to sanji’s which even has lightning

i wouldnt take akainus comment as the definitive answer
Crocodile was straightforward, he's a logia who can't be hurt without haki but then Luffy uses water.
It was never about temperature, magma is molten rock afterall, it's always burning whether it's normal or blue flames. It simply consumes any source of fire.
Yeah, you just comfirmed to everyone here that you dont read one piece, that ok, like i said he got clowned 1 time by the most op character at that time, not a big deal, For the shanks thing you got your answers in the 1059 lmao (they can't attack a yonko how they want), the other thing is just head cannon/stupid thing, if there is a Akainu vs Luffy, Luffy is going to be push extreme diff, sorry not srry
I posted canon panels what everyone read. Nothing left to interpret. Akainu got clowned thrice.


whatever, I am not here to change your headcanon:suresure:, the strongest lighting attack of Mom with a new soul is weaker than Nami lighting:chopoff:, alright:salt:
You are using Headcanon
I am using manga panel
Nami can nuke whole onigashima
Big mom only tiny portion.
Couldn't even destroy one roof
Kizaru lasers? Mf is light himself
And naah he isn't even hotter than franky .
If you go by science blue fire with lighting is actually hotter then magma, but in one piece magma is the hottest, i think its logical when sanji said he got even hotter flames that no one else has but him that means that's hotter then your average red flame at least, kizaru doesn't even burn you and franky the same, i dont see them melting the ground with them they explode them.
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