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Lmao, what are you even saying? Where did I relate personality with strength? I just told you the difference b/w being less expressive and not having a personality. Being too expressive is just as much a personality trait as the other way around, so you can't really use that to say he has no personality lmao.
Hmm is it possible that Luffy's dream is having a world-wide military army which watch and destroy any kind of slavery, especially WG's? Is it possible to enforce worldwide compromise? Even if world peace is too utopian?

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
a bit bummed that the ability isn't necessarily imu's but rather an ancient weapon
That is our assumption. Imu could be using something else.

Vegapunk has access to laser technology, Enel has shown his ability to create a weapon with similar effects in the Maxim, and the WG also has access to Kaido's DNA, as shown through Momo's Fruit.

Imagine a Seraphim Kaido with Vegapunks laser technology and King's hyper-durability.

Why make only Seraphim Shichibukai... when you can make Seraphim Yonkou?

It's also possible that Imu had access to Uranus a long time ago, but lost it, and only now regained the ability to make another Uranus (similar to how their were back-up Blueprints for Pluton).

It's MOST LIKELY Uranus that Imu is using, but, we still don't know.
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