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(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
We got a chapter with Imu making his move bigger than shanks lol. and we discussing about carrot?
ikmma be honest, i legit do not care about imu yet. now if vegapunk had been making his moves or we get an update on the all blue maybe we could be talkin g about other things
It doesn't make sense. But at this point, her chances are pretty low. Oda stretched the middle part of wano too much and he didn't have enough time in the end to give satisfying resolutions to a lot of characters. It is what it is.
Yeah, but even so, literally everyone else got a resolution with the Straw Hats no matter how watered down it was. Carrot got zero, and she had been through hell and back with them. No matter how much Oda might be trying to speed up the process to finish the story, he will always take his time to conclude those kind of plot points, because he loves drawing dramatic things first and foremost over everything else.
dang dude, guess im shitting on his legacy...should have not kept her in the story for seven years, had her bond with the crew in a vivi type manor and then go to three different arcs with them. only for her goodbye to be offscreened while others who had less time in the story and with the crew got idk my guy...
Nowhere near ViVi, her bonds with the crew are superficial.. She's a souless mascot she doesnt need a goodbye..

And YES you are shitting on Odas legacy for your own furry fanservice interest..
I’m just saying; Imu is the ultimate big bad of the world. He stands for the opposite of freedom. He attacked Vivi. Vivis dad. And now Sabo.

Luffys fighting him. Akainu is just a lackey in comparison.
Marines are the face of the world government, akainu is literally the one opposite of luffy freedom, and unless hes defeated he's going to keep spreading to marines his justice.

Akainu killed ace, gave luffy his scar, broke his will.

Sabo vs akainu is almost as bad as shiryu vs mihawk.


ikmma be honest, i legit do not care about imu yet. now if vegapunk had been making his moves or we get an update on the all blue maybe we could be talkin g about other things
Bro out there trying something even bigger than a buster call.
That's probably the biggest feat in the story so far.
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