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Welcome to the House of Hope
It is really dumb that we're having another Sabo fakeout death. Oda should've had Imu-sama target Dragon and do significant damage to the Revos.
I don't think anyone seriously believe Sabo is "dead".
The point of the chapter is just show off Imu's thing that destroys islands.
Which kinda explains what happened to God Valley.
That's all.
Calling people Nazis just because hosted a forum in a country is dumb on many levels. I don't have to take offense to call out BS when I see it lmao. You don't have to say anything specific about me. I am one of the people who run the forum, and I said I am not German to show you how dumb that take is.
What one person controlling a forum says about themselves makes no difference when it comes to the rest of the people interacting in said forum


That was part of my point, unfortunately most children don't have any say in which environment they are raised so that bullshit gets passed down through the generations. During ww2 most everyone who wasn't on the side of the nazis left Germany leaving nobody but "those" people to reproduce and raise children how they saw fit leading to another generation with the same ideals who are just better at hiding their flawed morals.
"wE CaNt eVen SaY N..... anYmorE, TahTs sO MeaN, We aRe Not DisCrimInaTing BlacK pEoplE, iTS jUst thE nOrMal wOrd fOr BlacK"


I will never forgive Oda
I don't think anyone seriously believe Sabo is "dead".
The point of the chapter is just show off Imu's thing that destroys islands.
Which kinda explains what happened to God Valley.
That's all.
Yeah but they know Sabo's a logia, so unless this weapon wipes out the island and Sabo survives clinging to rubble, it's just a little... I don't wanna call Imu-sama incompetent off this alone, but it's very dumb.


Welcome to the House of Hope
Yeah but they know Sabo's a logia, so unless this weapon wipes out the island and Sabo survives clinging to rubble, it's just a little... I don't wanna call Imu-sama incompetent off this alone, but it's very dumb.
I'm gonna assume that, if there's no island, you would just sink into the ocean.

But sure, let's say he survives because he holds on some plank or whatever.
What I think would be dumb, is the population surviving. If that's not the case, Oda just nuked an entire kingdom and he didn't do it in a flashback.

That's really something, considering the failure of a raid we just came out from.
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