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People using this as a reason to call him weak.
I got no beef with admirals lovers. But now they pushing their luck.
Yes, they are right, they should have attacked 6 admiral level people with one ship and won.:pepebuggy:
When the time is right we’ll fight anyone that’s necessary, but right now there’s nothing to do about it you’re just being annoying!!
I think it is characteristic that they are not afraid of anyone and they just don't want to participate in a war without enough information..And at the right time, they fight with their allies with the admirals
Lmao kInG dIffed

So Zoro would be lying on the floor with his swords broken and arm cut off and Green Brocolli would cheap shot him??

Look at how Kizarus superior fared against someone weaker than King in Marco than how Zoro neg diffed King.

How is Brocolli beating Zoro?
What feats are we using here?
King's sperm is been use to create mini Kaidos
I still wonder how GB managed to defeat him,
I think Zoro must have damaged him pretty badly and he didn't recover
No other reason that Oda offscreened that fight

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Being the only one skeptical of Drum about that 10/Barrel jester, I think it time to end this. I think the famous passive aggressive japanese attitude is at play here with Carrot hating Bonney being the only super Nova to interact with the strawhats. I'm moving on with EXTREME hatred of all yamato fans in my heart. Every last one need to be sent to the death camps to cleanse this fanbase and raise the IQ. These filthy unwashed lead drinkers only deserve momo's lease and collar.
Here, something to dry your tears of rage:
Once Zoro defeats Mihawk, he may be able to extreme diff Kizaru with outside assistance and plot.
Kizaru the guy whose entire life flashed before his eyes when Old and Rusty 99 year old Rayleigh flexed before him?

Kizaru literally couldn't put down Marco even with cheap shots, and Zoro no diffed King in a fair fight

If Kizaru or any admirals stood any chance against Mihawk why would they have Yonko level Bounty on Mihawk after he keeps hunting Marines?

Why don't they sending admirals?

Mihawks solo strength is yonko level threat to Marines and Marines literally gather all the resources they have for yonko level threats

Wait till Kuzans bounty is revealed to be half or Mihawks :funky:
So last two weeks we got
-confirmation that marines need authorization from the HQ/fleet admiral to fight a yonko
-yonko in his prime running away from a washed up hobo that was getting asthma attacks after 2 minutes of fighting against an admiral, even though said admiral was kind enough to dance with the old man in his own style
-Zoro being scared to pick a fight with the Marine HQ
-Imu relying on ancient weapons
-yonko confirmed to be useful idiots that WG could have gotten rid of at anytime, like we admiralchads have been sayin was the case for the last decade, furhter proof of our abnormally high IQ.

damn it, will we ever stop winning
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @MarineHQ @The White Crane @SakazOuki
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