What makes you like Bai Tza so much
She just seemed like the leader of the siblings. Opposite of Shendu, took 2 episodes to take out, was generally very crafty.
Which Demon episode was your fav ?
Mine was the Hsi Wu episode. His relationship with Jade and then betraying her was really cool. Then she powers up with Talismans and matches him. Then they also have a callback scene in that demon realm episode as well.
I have a weird thing for seeing different "powers" interact.
It gave me a demon sorcerer against talismans in a science fiction setting. It was insanity and I loved it.
Hsi Wu I liked but as a kid I remember it being longer.
Seems like he has a stronger version of the Rooster Talisman. Though I always wondered why Shendu was so powerful yet his siblings didnt seem as powerful. Yet he seems scared of all of them.
I was wondering that too. He's easily the top dog but he cowers a lot. Maybe they're just better with magic?
Is it every explained why Shendu became a statue instead of being sent off to the netherworld?