She just seemed like the leader of the siblings. Opposite of Shendu, took 2 episodes to take out, was generally very crafty.


I have a weird thing for seeing different "powers" interact.

It gave me a demon sorcerer against talismans in a science fiction setting. It was insanity and I loved it.

Hsi Wu I liked but as a kid I remember it being longer.

I was wondering that too. He's easily the top dog but he cowers a lot. Maybe they're just better with magic?

Is it every explained why Shendu became a statue instead of being sent off to the netherworld?
Yh the Hsi Wu episode seemed longer for me as well. Probably the only episode that gave somewhat of a use to the Tiger Talisman.

If I remember correctly they were using the Rabbit Talisman against the Moon Demon. Yh that episode was great as well. Top 3 Demon episodes for me...and Top 5 Season 2 Eps. Tso Lan seems the smartest out of his siblings and immediately was getting to work.

Apparently Shendu became statue only because he lost all the talismans (biggest reason was because he lost the rat talisman since it animates him). Dont know why this only applies to him. Possibly the Talismans existed before him and he stole them. But again that wouldnt explain him being the fire demon and the fire talisman giving him those powers. Who knows...