Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Chapter 1061 Short Summary thanks to PG on WorstGen

Chapter 1061: Oak and Iron Bound

- Straw Hats are surprised by Kid Bonney's appearance, and Zoro recognizes her.
- Bonney gives some sort of bullshit lore and vague info about recent events and says that this Island is Elbaf.
- Usopp has stars in his eyes and looks very excited.
- Elbaf is split into different realms, currently, the Straw Hats are in the Hel realm.
- Suddenly Nami panics that Luffy and Chopper got blown away to who knows where.
- The Straw Hats formulate a plan and split off into 3 groups to try to find Chopper and Luffy.
- As Sunny sits on the shore, the barrel that Caribou is in bursts open and he falls onto the floor.
- He says something about finally reaching his destination and for "that person" to come out of his swamp now.
- Chapter ends with a pair of white bunny ears emerging from Caribou's chest, saying they heard everything.

Mark my words, I am on the money with spoilers this week fellas.