Eh!! Numbers don't have a hype to them anyway, not like the Tobi Roppo.
They don't have to and meeting the Tobi Roppo next chapter is a guarantee. The Numbers are shrouded in mystery. Oda kept them in silhouettes even in Oden's flashback. Are they truly giants or are those their Zoan forms? Their collective title suggest being the missing link after the Disasters (King, Queen, Jack, and then the Numbers). I know others would argue the Tobi Roppo, but I see more evidence pointing to them being Kaido's subordinate captains (hence why Hawkins and Drake are placed there).

MD Zolo

They don't have to and meeting the Tobi Roppo next chapter is a guarantee. The Numbers are shrouded in mystery. Oda kept them in silhouettes even in Oden's flashback. Are they truly giants or are those their Zoan forms? Their collective title suggest being the missing link after the Disasters (King, Queen, Jack, and then the Numbers). I know others would argue the Tobi Roppo, but I see more evidence pointing to them being Kaido's subordinate captains (hence why Hawkins and Drake are placed there).
The numbers seem to be many in number (no pun intended). When there are many in a group, the group is usually fodder.

And it is becoming more and more likely that numbers are just faceless pawns for Kid pirates and Heart pirate fodders.