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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
It’s like Oda saw me coping by separating Kuzan and Sakazuki from the other admirals and was like “no Kinyagi they’re fodder too.”

To be fair, any Admiral > any Admiral has always been a retarded take lol, I’ve been telling people this for years. They are all equals, none are stronger than the rest.

“Oh I could see only Akainu as Yonko level, the rest are below” no, all Admirals are equals and above Lolko tier.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Chapter 1062: Possessed Hero

Vegapunk is interrupted by a report saying the Blackbeard Pirates have been sighted in the area.
Vegapunk smirks, and says, "These young upstarts really don't respect their elders, do they? How many Yonkou should I be expected to deal with, anyway? I'm just one old man, after all."

Cut to Gorosei, they discuss how Koby knows many military secrets because of Garp and Sword, and how Blackbeard could hypnotize him using Laffitte
Akainu wants to send Seraphim to kill Koby, and Garp nearly punches him, before being stopped by Kizaru

Cut back to Vegapunk and the Straw Hats: a giant wave of ice freezes the ship and robot. Koby lands on the Sunny, bloodied, and coated in ice.
As he pants frozen breaths, Koby's face is covered in frozen tears.
Vegapunk clicks his tongue, and mutters, "Brainwashing? And... that Fruit... damn... Did Kuzan...?"
Koby screams "STOP IT! THEY'RE LUFFY'S FRIENDS!", before spears of ice shooting out from his body towards Vegapunk.

Cuts back to Luffy frowning, then mutters, "That's... Koby, but... something's wrong! His voice is... so sad!"
Bonney sees the ice in the distance, and swears. "What did that bastard Teach do now?"

Jango's break dance festival next week
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