You dreamed this
I'll do part of it since the AI generator takes time..
Nightmare Part 1
I get phone calls at work. Then I get another, and then a video call from a gym friend, he’s a jacked calisthenics guy, he calling me to show off some muscle ups or something(??), and then I am suddenly in the gym.
it’s not my gym it’s big, and I’m near the rectangle thing where you can do pull ups TRX etc. There are other gym buddies I know and I’m holding my phone video call with this guy, funny thing is he is in the gym, so this girl (who looks like a hybrid work-gym girl) tells me:
“wtf dude he's right there u idiots on a face call” so I walk up to him. At this part I am teleported to “work”.
I get out of an elevator, with me 3 big fat black women come out of the elevators, they have green polos like that hybrid work-gym girl who looked weird, she was also fat).
Work looks weird. There is a commercial type retro video.
Killing Betty Is Coming. It’s literally a SpongeBob video, Killing Betty looks like SpongeBob's mom but all red and bloody and spooky.
(edit: looked more like his grandma than mom, but I wrote this right after waking up from the nightmare)