Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1063 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the strongest of these 3(Zoro,Law and Kid)?

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(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
NGL xebex sorta looked cool.
and BB being the only pirate who looks like a pirate
I do not trust oda when he draws silhouettes. greenbull was oh so handsome and then...so I have no hope for rocks
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Female Law ironically better looking than all Egghead girls tbh.
u like robin...she looks like robin


I do not trust oda when he draws silhouettes. greenbull was oh so handsome and then...so I have no hope for rocks
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u like robin...she looks like robin
Green still carries a better design language than some condom tbh. and also majority of the Character.
Law will not get captured here. Oda won’t let him be an Ace 2.0 damsel in distress lmao. That defeats the purpose of splitting up the rivals and their eventual reunion come final war. They have important things to do in their own paths (e.g., Kid finding the man with the scar). So Law getting captured would halt his progresssion and crossing paths with the SHs this quick will never happen.
Oda has a funny way of resolving tense situations like this without major losses. Like the ending of Totland arc when BM came for Jinbei and Germa. Let's hope the off panel won't be as brutal as the Ace vs BB fight. The ideal situation is if Law found some way to escape after a few flashes.
In a sense, Law's one of the only DF users that can work around BB's abilities—he's probably the only one that has many counters to him. So he'd look better than Luffy IMO.
How is it more favorable for law when even without luffy's fruit
he is extremely proficient in all 3 types of haki ( was able to contend with hybrid kaido with his base too)

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Akainu literally called Doffy "a little rat."

Why are people still comparing him to admirals lol
Papakuzi view all pirates as little rats lol
He didn't knew what Doffy deal was.
I didn't compared him to Admirals I just pointed out Kuzan can't just freeze Doffy lol
He obviously let him go because Smoker was priority, but if he could've get rid of him at the moment and secure Smoker there's no reason for him to not do it.
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