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Gorosei Informer

Damn. Hope he grows up. But, a lot of adults can't accept that they never really grew up, and just got older.
Yeah hes a real manchild tbh. But with a mother like his, I kinda can't blame him either. It doesn't justify the shit he's done though too, including never being there for me for 95% of my life now or w/e.
Too busy chasing other women, cheating on them, having kids with them and abandoning them too and now chasing girls far younger than himself too.

I kinda feel him not being in my life has been a hidden blessing all along though. The absolute hell my family have put me through and still do, makes me glad that most of them don't take an active interest in me or my life now.

This song really comes to mind atm:

It's one thing if it does get revealed that she went back to Zou.

It would be hell if she gets Ls like that after the fact.

If her story goes the Zou route I hope she gets some good moments. Please Oda, let her do something...
don't worry man. She will join. Oda is at what, the 5th Carrot bait/hint after wano? He's having some fun with our hearts. He will give it back soon enough.
don't worry man. She will join. Oda is at what, the 5th Carrot bait/hint after wano? He's having some fun with our hearts. He will give it back soon enough.
Yea Oda drew 4 pieces of Exodia already back to back

The Barrel
The Turbine
The Electric Gloves
The Hair

If he keeps up the pace then next turn might actually lead to this.
Yeah hes a real manchild tbh. But with a mother like his, I kinda can't blame him either. It doesn't justify the shit he's done though too, including never being there for me for 95% of my life now or w/e.
Too busy chasing other women, cheating on them, having kids with them and abandoning them too and now chasing girls far younger than himself too.

I kinda feel him not being in my life has been a hidden blessing all along though. The absolute hell my family have put me through and still do, makes me glad that most of them don't take an active interest in me or my life now.

This song really comes to mind atm:

The only memory you have of someone is when they leave you is the hardest one to carry…

Gorosei Informer

The only memory you have of someone is when they leave you is the hardest one to carry…
Thats absolutely true, but ironically I don't remember anything of him including him leaving, just the abuse and some more extreme stuff instead.

I've been struggling to accept that a lot of people from my past are gone, not just dead specifically but I mean they've moved on, they're living their lives and they're just strangers and memories now, especially with how many years its been. All I have now are my bittersweet memories of them as you were saying, our memories are all we have left of them, especially once they leave this world/life/reality or w/e. Leave this plane of existence even.


CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Yeah hes a real manchild tbh. But with a mother like his, I kinda can't blame him either. It doesn't justify the shit he's done though too, including never being there for me for 95% of my life now or w/e.
Too busy chasing other women, cheating on them, having kids with them and abandoning them too and now chasing girls far younger than himself too.

I kinda feel him not being in my life has been a hidden blessing all along though. The absolute hell my family have put me through and still do, makes me glad that most of them don't take an active interest in me or my life now.

This song really comes to mind atm:

Most important thing is to realize that you're not him. I hate how society tries to blame people for their parent's BS, but people never attack parents for treating kids bad.

You don't need their approval to live your life.

Do what makes you happy and free, no matter who you piss off.

That's what it means to be a pirate. To throw away any ties that keep you from being free, and realize that anyone who hates your happiness, really is your enemy. Kick their ass by being happy, anyway.
Thats absolutely true, but ironically I don't remember anything of him including him leaving, just the abuse and some more extreme stuff instead.

I've been struggling to accept that a lot of people from my past are gone, not just dead specifically but I mean they've moved on, they're living their lives and they're just strangers and memories now, especially with how many years its been. All I have now are my bittersweet memories of them as you were saying, our memories are all we have left of them, especially once they leave this world/life/reality or w/e. Leave this plane of existence even.

I just ate taco bell
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