I guess we are going there. That was literally Enma. Read what is written on that panel. Enma sucking up and releasing zoros haki is not a feat for zoro. It's for the damn sword. Kaido and Meme both talk about the fucking sword. Why is that?

It is still Zoro's Haki..he has that much Haki to release and Zoro literally said he has been regulating his Haki meaning he chose to release that much Haki.

Fact that Zoro can control his flow of energy..win the tug of war of Haki against Enma..maintain it during combat meaning constantly prevent Enma from killing him is MUCH MUCH MUCH Higher level of control than Luffy simply using internal destruction

Which Zoro used internal destruction right here btw

He doesn't use it all the time because he doesn't need it
Idc about luffy. Luffy gets clowned all the time. But he also gets hyped twice as much.
Luffy got one shot by Thunder Bagua
Zoro tanked AdvCoc thunder bagua after Hakai

Zoro CoA can Tame Enma
Created Island sized barriers preventing Hakai from even chipping his sword
Bust through AdvCoC user
No sell a mountain sized explosion

Luffy's Haki can't resist a wind scythe
Can't Resist Hody's bite
can't resist bellamy's Haki

Zoro's CoA ROYALLY shits on Luffys.
They don't
I literally saw polls

If there is an equal option between Shanks and Mihawk..they vote for equals and they pick Shanks just for the sake of picking one. Its same as Roger Whitebeard thing..where if there are polls with equal option they pick that..other wise they pick Roger.

Most fans think they are equal and btw
Mihawk literally wins polls against every character alive not named Imu and Shanks after chapter 1058
Kaido Akainu doesn't matter
There was a Japanese fan poll where they ranked the five strongest characters as:
1 Roger
2. Shanks
3. Kaido
4. Whitebeard
5. Mihawk

What polls are you talking about???
That ain't the same damn attack and you know it. Apoos attack is unavoidable unless you know it's weakness which is closing your ears. Zoro also got sliced by that attacks. So I guess apoo had better haki than zoro right????
Man shut the fuck up with bullshit

"Can't be avoided" Who gives a shit.
An explosion is an explosion and Apoo's explosion was enough to knock Luffy out. Zoro was in the range of that explosion but it did nothing.
And Zoro also no sold other sonic attacks from Apoo.

Zoro didn't "Avoid" that mountain level explosion..he TANKED IT with Haki.
Luffy has no Haki feats on that level.

Not to mention Zoro's Haki created Island sized barrier to Block Hakai

Luffy's CoA can't even resist a wind scythe properly much less Hakai.

So once again wanker..what are Luffy's feats again??