Because they forget Marco got choke diff by Big Mom
Choke diff?
But Marco got out of the choke and then Big Mom ran away tho.

I think Marco and Big Mom having a direct head to head crash and Big Mom viewing Marco as someone on her level

Was a lot more impact full than Low and Mid taking cheap shots on Big Mom in 2v1

I'd say Marco wins so far based on feats as well.
Choke diff?
But Marco got out of the choke and then Big Mom ran away tho.

I think Marco and Big Mom having a direct head to head crash and Big Mom viewing Marco as someone on her level

Was a lot more impact full than Low and Mid taking cheap shots on Big Mom in 2v1

I'd say Marco wins so far based on feats as well.
BM literally let him go and told him to go find her later

she doesn’t think he’s a threat
BM literally let him go and told him to go find her later

she doesn’t think he’s a threat
No she was choking Marco so Perospero can shoot him
Then Marco got out of it on his own

If Marco was no threat..then she'll put him out lmao

She literally admitted she can't beat Marco and ran away
"Marco I don't have enough souls to beat you"

That's my problem with you people..why do you guys have to reinvent Manga?

Big Mom knew she would need high diff or more to beat Marco so she hauled ass