What will happen to The Invincible Charlotte Katakuri?

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The problem with @Psalm reasoning is that Gura is actually tangiable, simply because the force generated is a tangiable as any other punch but just augmented due to tremors generating more power. Like there is absolutely no difference between a shockwave produced by Burgess with Hado Elbow e.g. and the Gura in terms of intangiability lol
Will not change the fact that shiliew is stronger than admiral based on portrayal and feat:endthis:
Yeah every fight is a low or neg diff now, the other diffs no longer exist apparently. Lol

Zoro vs King was a fucking neg diff apparently because “AdCoC Zoro one shot so it was a neg diff once he got AdCoC” lol

It’s almost like saying Luffy neg diffed Kaido because Bajrang Gun defeated Kaido. Lol

True neg diffs are Ryokugyu vs King and Queen, Kuzan vs Cracker, etc…not these extremely long drawn out battles where the winner is seriously wounded. Lol
Its not the same thing tbh. Luffy unlocing G5/aCoC and still Kaido pushed him to extr diff while the moment Zoro unlocked aCoC he one shotted King.

Their fight was obviously not neg diff for Zoro of course but if they fight right now it will be neg/low diff.
The problem with @Psalm reasoning is that Gura is actually tangiable, simply because the force generated is a tangiable as any other punch but just augmented due to tremors generating more power. Like there is absolutely no difference between a shockwave produced by Burgess with Hado Elbow e.g. and the Gura in terms of intangiability lol
Also calling groom Intangible is fundamentally flawed.

If it is Intangible how can it impact tangible organs??

Shouldn't it just pass right through like a ghost?
I find it pretty neat that Oda finally added some specialty to Law's crew. Like it may not amount to much, they might still lose but just a nice detail. Fighting using the sea to their advantage, making full use of their submarine too, and not be a complete bitch.
The thing I struggling to understand is how you concluded Shiryu is as strong as if not stronger than Zoro and that he isn't a top-tier without knowing what abilities he has. I can understand Zoro because Zoro is his next fight, it's probably reasonable to say they're on a similar level but what makes you so sure Shiryu can't be on the level of Kuzan and BB at this point in the manga?
The admiral and yonko are on a different level than zoro and shiryu
Its not compliment like you wouldn't compare current zoro and shiryu to mihawk would you?

Kuzan luffy and bb are comparable if not stronger than zoro's eos goal
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