Break Week Kuma Can Walk On Water

Since we are nearing on Kuma's Backstory this Arc, I wanna share some of the things I discovered:

01. Kuma's Special Race originate from God's Valley
02. This Race are mostly Scientists and Very Smart
03. God's Valley is a Scientifically Advanced Island
04. This Special Race designed Original Pluton
05. Sora was Leader of this Race and Smartest
06. They can walk on Water thanks to Special Skin
07. This is why all was changed in Kuma except his Skin
08. It's a Water-Repellent Skin similar to some Geckos
09. Kuma's Religious Design is reference to Jesus
10. His Bible is most probably his Life Researches
11. Cloning Kuma helps create DF Users immune to Sea
12. This Race went Extinct after God's Valley Incident
13. It's the Race mentioned by Big Mom
14. Kuma's Kingdom was ruled by his Family
15. Rocks Pirates attacked and captured Kuma's Family
16. They forced them to reveal God's Valley Location
17. Kuma had to grow up an Orphan and changed Name
18. Later, WG made him a King so that he works with Vega
19. Vegapunk is Human who was born with Sora's Intellect
20. His Ultimate Project was re-creating Pluton
21. When Kaido was captured, he learned of Vega's Work
22. He & Akainu are Secret Allies & plotted against Kuma
23. Bonney was the leverage they used
24. Kuma ended up becoming a hated King
25. Vega and Kuma had only Dragon to seek help from
26. After these Incidents, Kuma was sentenced to Death
27. The Deal to start Pacifista Project was then made
28. Kaido/Akainu Goal is to dethrone WG themselves
29. Akainu hates Dragon so much cuz he can ruin his Plan
30. Aokiji refused to work for Akainu because of this
31. Drake Mission was to investigate Kaido/Akainu
32. Kaido using Magma was another Major Hint
33. Fujitora was somehow spectator of Kuma's Story
34. These Incidents and more led him to blind himself
35. It's also why he hates Shichibukai System
36. What destroyed Lulusia was New Pluton
37. It was made by Vega

38. Flight, Kizaru's DF, Water Walking Skin, Seraphim, Objects eating DFs, avoiding Sea Kings was all part of Single Research to create the Ultimate Warship (New Pluton) occupied by Ultimate Army

39. Kaido's Goal was Vega's Pluton, not Wano's
40. CP-0 were sent to kill Vega because of this Weapon
41. Just like Lucci suspected it's related to Lulusia

Anyway, these are just some Points regarding Kuma's Backstory, I didn't reveal the full details but the point is it's a Story that is connected to all these Characters:

Vegapunk and MADs, Kuma and his Parents and Bonney, Rocks Pirates and God's Valley, Celestial Dragons and Imu, Kaido and Akainu, Aokiji and Drake and SWORD, Fujitora, Garp and Roger Pirates, Punk Hazard and DFs Research, Kizaru, Pacifista and Seraphim Project, Shichibukai System, Sora and Original Pluton, Dragon and Revos ... etc

In other words, it's Huge Flashback
Thats why in just 5 Chapters, Oda is hyping Vega, Kuma and Bonney, showing Dragon and Akainu, revealed Lulusia Destruction and involvement of Gorosei and Imu, didn't spoil Fujitora's Destination, showed Aokiji again, explaining how Light works, demonstrating a DF Battle of Teach Crew and Law, showing Germa Cover Story, making references to Sora, introduced SWORD members, teased Daughter of Akainu, brought back Punk Hazard Children, involved CP-0 ... etc

However while these upcoming 20 Chapters are gonna be about Huge Reveals, there will be a Plot Twist at the end of Arc that completely throws the Story in unexpected direction

If some of my predictions come True, I will reveal rest
Wait wait wait, Kaido and Akainu are teaming up?
Yes, I'm actually very confident in this
Not teaming up in future, but they actually always been working together, their Plan was to overthrow Imu

I believe Akainu and Dragon Rivalry isn't about Revo vs Marine, it's about who will replace CDs

Akainu believes in Absolute Justice just like Lucci and yet he talks shit about CDs, suggesting that to truly fulfill his Justice, he wanna replace CDs

Him and Kaido have same Mentality, only the Strong is allowed to live, and Oda went further and made Kaido's Final Attack match what Fans were expecting Akainu's Final Attack against Luffy to look instead, as another Hint of their Connection

This also explains why Aokiji even though he was shown talking normally with Akainu in MF, he refused to work under him, and yet doesn't mind being seen as a Subordinate of BB, this clearly shows that Akainu had a hidden Agenda/Plan and Aokiji is completely against

And finally, this explains Drake's Mission, as he refused to reveal it even after his Cover was blown and even after Kaido was defeated, meaning he wasn't there to investigate Beasts Pirates or Road Poneglyph, he was there to investigate Marine Corruption and find Proof against Akainu

Koby being with SWORD and what also seems to be Akainu's Daughter who seems like a Good Marine further insist on connection between SWORD and Akainu
When you say Sora was the leader of this race

You’re talking about the Warrior of the sea from hundreds of years ago right?
Yes exactly, I believe Warrior of Sea Sora was Leader of Kuma's Race and he lived in God's Valley hundreds of years ago and he designed Original Pluton

He can walk on Water thanks to Skin of his Special Race that is Water-Repellent and he was Smartest Ever, until Vega inherited his Intellect (Just like Shirahoshi inherited Poseidon Powers)

Water Walking is Jesus Miracle Reference and lot of Animals that can walk on Water are named Jesus because of that, that's why Kuma has a Christian Theme (He holds the Bible)

Actually I believe entire Sora Story is reference to Jesus, trying to portray Sora as a Man who seemed to make Miracles thanks to his Insane Intellect

Kuma is only DF User who can't sink and counters Water Weakness, that's why they wanted to clone him and revive his Race Skin

Teach vs Law Fight is highlighting DFs a lot and how the Sea counters it, cuz Oda is preparing to show us how important Kuma was for WG by giving us an example of Very Powerful DF User losing to the Sea (Which was also highlighted when SHs almost completely lost due to that Shark Attack or at least DF Users among them)

Imo Teach or Law or Sabo are gonna be seen Underwater in next Chapters