Tried to prevent the lynch of ConquistadoR....
She was supposedly sussing him.
Then when me and ekko and mango voted for ConquistadoR she instead voted for ekko.
Tried to lynch ekko instead of ConquistadoR.
She Always game throws like this to try and save a scum mate.
Its even a meme....
are you talking about this below??
where midnight didn't even clearly state what he did till later.
there was confusion and clear up near the end, with mechanic info
It wouldn't mean anything because Mango was roleblocked anyway
So then it would mean that Ekko was not the mafia kill and Mango's protect did not go through.
@Juliet trying to save ConquistadoR
Midnight said here Mango was roleblocked. Why did you not say anything about this Midnight?
juliet always goes for top sus, hell i don't blame her with usopp being scummy. (dissapointed he subbed out/mod kill) also i recall midnight causes some confusion earlier.
if look back, i see her voting 5 people because of her sus on them, and later info clear up. which she changed, she done this when there mechanic info/reads.
she voted ekko, then switched to conquist, then mango then conquist then ekko, this is more logical reading am seeing because she going of the mechanics/info updates for this progress am seeing in her voting and her questioning mechanics for possible scum in this.
Ekko: Juliet > Tobra >
Juliet: Ekko > Conquist > Mango >
Conquist > Ekko
Naomi: Ekko
Tobra: Ekko
Mango: Tobra > Juliet
Pein: Ekko > Juliet > Naomi > Conquist
Midnight: Mango >
Xlaw: Mango >
Yoru: Mango >
Zolo: Conquist > Mango
Conquist: Ekko
Conquist/Ekko: 4
Juliet/Mango: 1
people jumping on this, really looks opportunist.