Good thing
@Finalbeta mentioned Katakuri
Let's take him as an example,
The dude can predict the future.. right???
That ability grants him the advantage to not get hit... to see those moves that are coming.. and dodging them.. leaving him unscathed for majority of time.. so hard to overcome
Now... what Hawkins is doing by having those 10 lives and disposing of them easily
Is Exactly like katakuri seeing the future... but simply takes the hit instead of doging it
What's the point of future sight.. if you will not dodge the attack that's coming?
Similarly.. what's the point of those 10 lives if you're okay with allowing those lives to be taken down easily!
What's the point of having mera mera no mi if you will not show great fire attacks.. rather you just lights up cigarettes with it
What's the point of having that power but not using it to its potential
Hawkins is like that.. he's got the power to have 10 lives.. instead of making EvERY life counts and makes people suffer to death just to get one life from him... he's giving those lives away on silver platter by being okay with receiving hits and transferring the damage to one of those lives
Any more explaination is hard... because if you don't see my point.. it means we will never meet eye to eye on this matter hahaha