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is probably playing Overwatch 2
And the studies that found the so called "benefits of masturbation" were all inconclusive and just a coincidence because of the small sample group. Later, more recent and more thorough studies have found that there aren't any benefits in masturbating.

But, the adverse affects of masturbation is real. The excessive viewing of pornography will cause biases and misconceptions in teenagers especially. And because of the endorphins release, people do it more and more, causing it to spiral and become a significant issue in ones life.

They avoided the other benefits

Bring sources instead of relying of reddit "alphas"
Bro the first one is talking about Women masturbation. (i didn't read it all. just looked over)
And the second one is too short and is about a hyper tensed 75 year old dude.

Both of these are not indicative or proof of the effects fapping has on male adults.


is probably playing Overwatch 2
Jim Cornette stated that it wouldn't be a problem backstage if Ace Steel bite Kenny as a Japanese person.
unretard for a second:
Jim Cornette is such an asshole, man. I can't stand the guy. He has the ocasional funny rant, but almost all his opinions fall into the water once you see how much of a bigot he is

Retard mode on:
McFingerbang + Steel ship is canon
Yeah. These are not proving your point at all. The second one literally concludes that ejaculation frequency is not related to prostate cancer at all. And that is basically the biggest so called "benefit" that pro fap people have been touting for years.
you really wanna ask the woman about male masturbation
There are no wamen on the internet. Don't you know that...? :nicagesmile:
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