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Formerly Seth

I was really disappointed when they did gildart dirty. I hope we don't see nami helping shanks in final war.
You mean Cana? Gildarts entire personality became: "I’m your daddy" but it was fitting because of August's backstory
August and Irene were too overpowered exactly like Madara
Mangaka's can’t handle characters like them

Gildarts coudlv'e easily be written to defeat Augsutus alone, if what you are saying is true then Augsutus would be Acno level fighter and he wasn't.


Gildarts coudlv'e easily be written to defeat Augsutus alone, if what you are saying is true then Augsutus would be Acno level fighter and he wasn't.
Yes but Mashima sadly didn’t do it
Gildarts even outsmarted August and found his weakness but authors try to hype some characters too the roof and come with silly solutions
I would’ve also preferred a 1 vs 1 death match
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