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Talent is something you make bloom.
Test test. Let me know if the tags works.

@Ace @Adam 🍎 @Adamxero @AdmiralKoniroryu @Afroking @Akai @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Aknolagon @Akuma_Law @AL sama @Albino 👑 @AlmightyEneru @Alpha @Alter @ankama @anon @Arondight @Arrow @Artorias @ArturCantSpeakJapanese @Aryan @Ask D question @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Awayeah @B Rabbit @BaboonMihawk @BakiDou @balajiram99 @Balen @Baluzi @BangOO🍅 @BarbosaXIII @Beerbottle @bennbeckman @Bepo @Bil02 @BillSlipton @Black Lord Sanji @Blackbeard @Blackflamesanji @BlackLegFring @Blazing Lion @BleakAsh @Blother D. Yo Mama @bluefire12 @Bob74h @BOCCHI @Bogard @Boiroy @BornInAbyss @Bounty @Broreo @Brutus @Buggy D Clown @Bullet @Butters @Buusatan94 @Calypso @Camie @Captain Dom @CaptainJackSparrow @CartoonHeroes @CbShadow @Celestial D. Dragon @centurion @Charlotte Horchata @Charlotte LinLin @Charlotte Manjar @Chaves @Cherry Hilk @Chessaddict @Chrono @Cinera @CoC: Color of Clowns @comrade @ConquistadoR @Courier @Cream filled donut7 @Cross_Marian @Crush @Cruxroux @Cutty Jewboy @Cyrus the Cactus @D.Querna @Da evil Who @Daikenki @Dark Admiral @Dark Hound @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @DarkWitch @Date @Debanv @Den_Den_Mushi @Desolate Smaug @Dettles @dirtyLarry @dizzy2341 @djiayebee @DKI @Doggo @Don DaSlayer @Don Diego @Don't Mind Me @DonWick @Draco @Dr_Professor83 @duckman @Eagle @Egghead @Ekkologix @Electricmastro @Emmazrine @Enma @Erkan12 @EtenBoby @Eustass @Franosuke @FaradaySloth @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Fleet Leader Fenaker @FloriGlori @Flower @Flynn @Fn Lucci @Fuckthis3 @Fujishiro @gamaran @Gambit @Ganja userr @garciajulieen @Garp the Fist @Garps tekkai @GeneralP123 @Gensui Sazid @Geo @Gintoki @God Buggy @God_Aizen @Gol D. Roger @Gon’s Missing Arm @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Greenbeard @H3llion @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Hades @HAJI @Halyup @Hanners220 @Hanzo hattori @Hedfi @Herasux @Hereforthesalt @HeroesNZ @Hiragaro @hlo69300 @Hurley Pirates @Iaarm @Ice devil slayer @IceWitch @Ichiro Miyata @ImmaIvanoM @Irregular @Ishin @Jackteo @Jaguark101 @Jailer @januarysdaughter @JazzMazz @Jiihad @JJtheman @Johnny B. Decent @Julius @Just a member @JyThony @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Kagurashii @Kai. Do @KaiHiei @Kejon @kenedyfake @KenshiraSonata @Kenshiro11 @Kerkovian @Kiiro @Kiku @Killer#777 @King4nakama @King7 @KINGKONGGUN15 @KiriNigiri @Kishido @Kiwipom @kom5 @KonyaruIchi @Koro @kratosś @krogothwolf @Kromage911 @Krusher1357 @Kucing Pencuri @kumae @Kuro Ashi @Kuroemon @kurohime @Kurozumi D. Trussop @Kurozumi mugiwara44 @Kurozumi Seven7 @Kurozumi Wiwi @Kurozumi Giggio @kurwa @Kyou @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Law-sama @LayerZ @Lifeismeh @Light D Lamperouge @Lindltaylor @Lion of Olympus @Lizzy @LolonoisZolo @Longleg Larry @Lor D. Coast @Lord_Braggy @Luffy is the mc @Luffydom56 @Luffy_Fan @Lukegranders @m0nst3Rx @M944 @Mackiss @mad monk @Maggi @Malick the last Light @MangoSenpai @Marimo_420 @MarineHQ @Markorus @Mashiro Blue @Master OF Haki @MasterD @matt245 @Meeyori @Melvin @Midnight Delight @Mighty Action X @milluki @Milou @minamoto @Minatoze Narutomaki @Missy @mly90 @mmd @Momoheechulkabe9000 @Monarch @Monet @Monkey D Theories @Monster Luffy @MonsterKaido @MonsterZoro @Mr. Anderson @Mr. Reloaded @mrtsrdr @mugiwalaw @MugiwaraMaster @Murilo @NAMELESS @Nana @Natalija @Necrohol @Nekomamushi @Nibel @Nidai_Kitetsu @nik87 @NikaInParis @Nikuzi @Ninjashadow0209 @NotRanga @NotTommy @nRandle @Oblivion @Olimaat @OnePieceFanGirl @OnePiss @Pantheos @Paperchampion23 @Parker @park_min young @Patryipe @PaulOO @Peenix @Peppercore @Peroroncino @pg13 @phatltse62882 @Pirate hunter eddy @Playa4321 @Plex @Poque @Prince of Darkness @PrinceKun @Pringles @Psychiatrist @PuckTheGreat @Punk Rotten @PurpleSwordsman @QQH @qwe @R A I T E I I I @Raiden7 @ranady @randomdude121 @Ravagerblade @Rayleigh-Sama @RayanOO @Reborn @RecoomeBoom @Red Admiral @Red Dog @Redboy776 @Reddot4 @Redhair Le Fishe @ReggieZoldyck21 @Reign @Rej @Rekien @rerere @RiShin @Rivaille @Rmstorm @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Robin swan @Roo @Rootbeer @Roronoa-sama @RoronoaZorro @Rosella.Fiamingo @Rottkins @Rukusho @RYNO @Ryu Kishi @Ryuarashi @S.W317 @Sade @Sadistic Senpai @SaintBellkin @SakazOuki @Sakazuki-Singh @Sakura no Hiluluk @Sallucion @Sanji D Cook @sanjikun @Screws Loose242 @SDfear @Senfret @Sentinel @Sentry22 @Seraphoenix @Seth @ShadyOjiro @Shanks @SHIHI @Shimotsuki Ghostly @ShinichiMugi @ShinmenTakezo @Shiroyru @Shishi @ShishioIsBack @Shishi @sidestreetboy @Sigran101 @silverfire @Sir Yasheen @SmokedOut @soheilhazrat @Sparda @spawn @spitles @Spoonbillz @SpoonDFork @Stack Bundles Chinx @stairs-kun @Starbound Beast D. Draig @Staticshadic @stealthblack @Steven @stormylife @Straight From Laughtale @straightforward @style @Sungodo @Superior to you @Swallalala @Sword God Ryuma @symbiote @T-Pein™ @T.D.A @Tai long @TEACH D TEACH @Tejas @Tenshi No Konan @Thabeast @The Buddha @The White Crane @TheAncientCenturion @thedarkdragon11 @TheKnightOfTheSea @TheRealSJay @thodoris5321 @Tobra @Tokiro Oumaga @Toph @Topi Jerami @trav @Tripod @Trueprodigy @Twin Milf @Udell @Un-amed @Uncle Van @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @uyuu @Vanellope Lhea @Veku @VersusPhD @vikas @Violent Sanji @Weeman @Welkin @WesMidnight @wh1p @Wildfire Kaios @Winsmoke Sanji @WizardKing @wordy @Worst @wraithery @Wulsam @XGoldrogeRX @Xlaw @Y-foe @Yakyu @YASER @Yasuda @Yelan @yj @Yo Tan Wa @yorosenpai @Yoru @yunzabit heights @Z-Saber @Zara @Zaretball @Zemmi @Zenos7 @ZenZu @Zoan @Zolo @zorji @Zoroe @zorojurou @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @zzShinichi
They do.


The only one who can beat me is me
Test test. Let me know if the tags works.

@Ace @Adam 🍎 @Adamxero @AdmiralKoniroryu @Afroking @Akai @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Aknolagon @Akuma_Law @AL sama @Albino 👑 @AlmightyEneru @Alpha @Alter @ankama @anon @Arondight @Arrow @Artorias @ArturCantSpeakJapanese @Aryan @Ask D question @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Awayeah @B Rabbit @BaboonMihawk @BakiDou @balajiram99 @Balen @Baluzi @BangOO🍅 @BarbosaXIII @Beerbottle @bennbeckman @Bepo @Bil02 @BillSlipton @Black Lord Sanji @Blackbeard @Blackflamesanji @BlackLegFring @Blazing Lion @BleakAsh @Blother D. Yo Mama @bluefire12 @Bob74h @BOCCHI @Bogard @Boiroy @BornInAbyss @Bounty @Broreo @Brutus @Buggy D Clown @Bullet @Butters @Buusatan94 @Calypso @Camie @Captain Dom @CaptainJackSparrow @CartoonHeroes @CbShadow @Celestial D. Dragon @centurion @Charlotte Horchata @Charlotte LinLin @Charlotte Manjar @Chaves @Cherry Hilk @Chessaddict @Chrono @Cinera @CoC: Color of Clowns @comrade @ConquistadoR @Courier @Cream filled donut7 @Cross_Marian @Crush @Cruxroux @Cutty Jewboy @Cyrus the Cactus @D.Querna @Da evil Who @Daikenki @Dark Admiral @Dark Hound @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @DarkWitch @Date @Debanv @Den_Den_Mushi @Desolate Smaug @Dettles @dirtyLarry @dizzy2341 @djiayebee @DKI @Doggo @Don DaSlayer @Don Diego @Don't Mind Me @DonWick @Draco @Dr_Professor83 @duckman @Eagle @Egghead @Ekkologix @Electricmastro @Emmazrine @Enma @Erkan12 @EtenBoby @Eustass @Franosuke @FaradaySloth @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Fleet Leader Fenaker @FloriGlori @Flower @Flynn @Fn Lucci @Fuckthis3 @Fujishiro @gamaran @Gambit @Ganja userr @garciajulieen @Garp the Fist @Garps tekkai @GeneralP123 @Gensui Sazid @Geo @Gintoki @God Buggy @God_Aizen @Gol D. Roger @Gon’s Missing Arm @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Greenbeard @H3llion @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Hades @HAJI @Halyup @Hanners220 @Hanzo hattori @Hedfi @Herasux @Hereforthesalt @HeroesNZ @Hiragaro @hlo69300 @Hurley Pirates @Iaarm @Ice devil slayer @IceWitch @Ichiro Miyata @ImmaIvanoM @Irregular @Ishin @Jackteo @Jaguark101 @Jailer @januarysdaughter @JazzMazz @Jiihad @JJtheman @Johnny B. Decent @Julius @Just a member @JyThony @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Kagurashii @Kai. Do @KaiHiei @Kejon @kenedyfake @KenshiraSonata @Kenshiro11 @Kerkovian @Kiiro @Kiku @Killer#777 @King4nakama @King7 @KINGKONGGUN15 @KiriNigiri @Kishido @Kiwipom @kom5 @KonyaruIchi @Koro @kratosś @krogothwolf @Kromage911 @Krusher1357 @Kucing Pencuri @kumae @Kuro Ashi @Kuroemon @kurohime @Kurozumi D. Trussop @Kurozumi mugiwara44 @Kurozumi Seven7 @Kurozumi Wiwi @Kurozumi Giggio @kurwa @Kyou @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Law-sama @LayerZ @Lifeismeh @Light D Lamperouge @Lindltaylor @Lion of Olympus @Lizzy @LolonoisZolo @Longleg Larry @Lor D. Coast @Lord_Braggy @Luffy is the mc @Luffydom56 @Luffy_Fan @Lukegranders @m0nst3Rx @M944 @Mackiss @mad monk @Maggi @Malick the last Light @MangoSenpai @Marimo_420 @MarineHQ @Markorus @Mashiro Blue @Master OF Haki @MasterD @matt245 @Meeyori @Melvin @Midnight Delight @Mighty Action X @milluki @Milou @minamoto @Minatoze Narutomaki @Missy @mly90 @mmd @Momoheechulkabe9000 @Monarch @Monet @Monkey D Theories @Monster Luffy @MonsterKaido @MonsterZoro @Mr. Anderson @Mr. Reloaded @mrtsrdr @mugiwalaw @MugiwaraMaster @Murilo @NAMELESS @Nana @Natalija @Necrohol @Nekomamushi @Nibel @Nidai_Kitetsu @nik87 @NikaInParis @Nikuzi @Ninjashadow0209 @NotRanga @NotTommy @nRandle @Oblivion @Olimaat @OnePieceFanGirl @OnePiss @Pantheos @Paperchampion23 @Parker @park_min young @Patryipe @PaulOO @Peenix @Peppercore @Peroroncino @pg13 @phatltse62882 @Pirate hunter eddy @Playa4321 @Plex @Poque @Prince of Darkness @PrinceKun @Pringles @Psychiatrist @PuckTheGreat @Punk Rotten @PurpleSwordsman @QQH @qwe @R A I T E I I I @Raiden7 @ranady @randomdude121 @Ravagerblade @Rayleigh-Sama @RayanOO @Reborn @RecoomeBoom @Red Admiral @Red Dog @Redboy776 @Reddot4 @Redhair Le Fishe @ReggieZoldyck21 @Reign @Rej @Rekien @rerere @RiShin @Rivaille @Rmstorm @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Robin swan @Roo @Rootbeer @Roronoa-sama @RoronoaZorro @Rosella.Fiamingo @Rottkins @Rukusho @RYNO @Ryu Kishi @Ryuarashi @S.W317 @Sade @Sadistic Senpai @SaintBellkin @SakazOuki @Sakazuki-Singh @Sakura no Hiluluk @Sallucion @Sanji D Cook @sanjikun @Screws Loose242 @SDfear @Senfret @Sentinel @Sentry22 @Seraphoenix @Seth @ShadyOjiro @Shanks @SHIHI @Shimotsuki Ghostly @ShinichiMugi @ShinmenTakezo @Shiroyru @Shishi @ShishioIsBack @Shishi @sidestreetboy @Sigran101 @silverfire @Sir Yasheen @SmokedOut @soheilhazrat @Sparda @spawn @spitles @Spoonbillz @SpoonDFork @Stack Bundles Chinx @stairs-kun @Starbound Beast D. Draig @Staticshadic @stealthblack @Steven @stormylife @Straight From Laughtale @straightforward @style @Sungodo @Superior to you @Swallalala @Sword God Ryuma @symbiote @T-Pein™ @T.D.A @Tai long @TEACH D TEACH @Tejas @Tenshi No Konan @Thabeast @The Buddha @The White Crane @TheAncientCenturion @thedarkdragon11 @TheKnightOfTheSea @TheRealSJay @thodoris5321 @Tobra @Tokiro Oumaga @Toph @Topi Jerami @trav @Tripod @Trueprodigy @Twin Milf @Udell @Un-amed @Uncle Van @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @uyuu @Vanellope Lhea @Veku @VersusPhD @vikas @Violent Sanji @Weeman @Welkin @WesMidnight @wh1p @Wildfire Kaios @Winsmoke Sanji @WizardKing @wordy @Worst @wraithery @Wulsam @XGoldrogeRX @Xlaw @Y-foe @Yakyu @YASER @Yasuda @Yelan @yj @Yo Tan Wa @yorosenpai @Yoru @yunzabit heights @Z-Saber @Zara @Zaretball @Zemmi @Zenos7 @ZenZu @Zoan @Zolo @zorji @Zoroe @zorojurou @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @zzShinichi
Lol why tf you tag the entire forum for a test?
Test test. Let me know if the tags works.

@Ace @Adam 🍎 @Adamxero @AdmiralKoniroryu @Afroking @Akai @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Aknolagon @Akuma_Law @AL sama @Albino 👑 @AlmightyEneru @Alpha @Alter @ankama @anon @Arondight @Arrow @Artorias @ArturCantSpeakJapanese @Aryan @Ask D question @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Awayeah @B Rabbit @BaboonMihawk @BakiDou @balajiram99 @Balen @Baluzi @BangOO🍅 @BarbosaXIII @Beerbottle @bennbeckman @Bepo @Bil02 @BillSlipton @Black Lord Sanji @Blackbeard @Blackflamesanji @BlackLegFring @Blazing Lion @BleakAsh @Blother D. Yo Mama @bluefire12 @Bob74h @BOCCHI @Bogard @Boiroy @BornInAbyss @Bounty @Broreo @Brutus @Buggy D Clown @Bullet @Butters @Buusatan94 @Calypso @Camie @Captain Dom @CaptainJackSparrow @CartoonHeroes @CbShadow @Celestial D. Dragon @centurion @Charlotte Horchata @Charlotte LinLin @Charlotte Manjar @Chaves @Cherry Hilk @Chessaddict @Chrono @Cinera @CoC: Color of Clowns @comrade @ConquistadoR @Courier @Cream filled donut7 @Cross_Marian @Crush @Cruxroux @Cutty Jewboy @Cyrus the Cactus @D.Querna @Da evil Who @Daikenki @Dark Admiral @Dark Hound @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @DarkWitch @Date @Debanv @Den_Den_Mushi @Desolate Smaug @Dettles @dirtyLarry @dizzy2341 @djiayebee @DKI @Doggo @Don DaSlayer @Don Diego @Don't Mind Me @DonWick @Draco @Dr_Professor83 @duckman @Eagle @Egghead @Ekkologix @Electricmastro @Emmazrine @Enma @Erkan12 @EtenBoby @Eustass @Franosuke @FaradaySloth @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Fleet Leader Fenaker @FloriGlori @Flower @Flynn @Fn Lucci @Fuckthis3 @Fujishiro @gamaran @Gambit @Ganja userr @garciajulieen @Garp the Fist @Garps tekkai @GeneralP123 @Gensui Sazid @Geo @Gintoki @God Buggy @God_Aizen @Gol D. Roger @Gon’s Missing Arm @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Greenbeard @H3llion @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Hades @HAJI @Halyup @Hanners220 @Hanzo hattori @Hedfi @Herasux @Hereforthesalt @HeroesNZ @Hiragaro @hlo69300 @Hurley Pirates @Iaarm @Ice devil slayer @IceWitch @Ichiro Miyata @ImmaIvanoM @Irregular @Ishin @Jackteo @Jaguark101 @Jailer @januarysdaughter @JazzMazz @Jiihad @JJtheman @Johnny B. Decent @Julius @Just a member @JyThony @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Kagurashii @Kai. Do @KaiHiei @Kejon @kenedyfake @KenshiraSonata @Kenshiro11 @Kerkovian @Kiiro @Kiku @Killer#777 @King4nakama @King7 @KINGKONGGUN15 @KiriNigiri @Kishido @Kiwipom @kom5 @KonyaruIchi @Koro @kratosś @krogothwolf @Kromage911 @Krusher1357 @Kucing Pencuri @kumae @Kuro Ashi @Kuroemon @kurohime @Kurozumi D. Trussop @Kurozumi mugiwara44 @Kurozumi Seven7 @Kurozumi Wiwi @Kurozumi Giggio @kurwa @Kyou @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Law-sama @LayerZ @Lifeismeh @Light D Lamperouge @Lindltaylor @Lion of Olympus @Lizzy @LolonoisZolo @Longleg Larry @Lor D. Coast @Lord_Braggy @Luffy is the mc @Luffydom56 @Luffy_Fan @Lukegranders @m0nst3Rx @M944 @Mackiss @mad monk @Maggi @Malick the last Light @MangoSenpai @Marimo_420 @MarineHQ @Markorus @Mashiro Blue @Master OF Haki @MasterD @matt245 @Meeyori @Melvin @Midnight Delight @Mighty Action X @milluki @Milou @minamoto @Minatoze Narutomaki @Missy @mly90 @mmd @Momoheechulkabe9000 @Monarch @Monet @Monkey D Theories @Monster Luffy @MonsterKaido @MonsterZoro @Mr. Anderson @Mr. Reloaded @mrtsrdr @mugiwalaw @MugiwaraMaster @Murilo @NAMELESS @Nana @Natalija @Necrohol @Nekomamushi @Nibel @Nidai_Kitetsu @nik87 @NikaInParis @Nikuzi @Ninjashadow0209 @NotRanga @NotTommy @nRandle @Oblivion @Olimaat @OnePieceFanGirl @OnePiss @Pantheos @Paperchampion23 @Parker @park_min young @Patryipe @PaulOO @Peenix @Peppercore @Peroroncino @pg13 @phatltse62882 @Pirate hunter eddy @Playa4321 @Plex @Poque @Prince of Darkness @PrinceKun @Pringles @Psychiatrist @PuckTheGreat @Punk Rotten @PurpleSwordsman @QQH @qwe @R A I T E I I I @Raiden7 @ranady @randomdude121 @Ravagerblade @Rayleigh-Sama @RayanOO @Reborn @RecoomeBoom @Red Admiral @Red Dog @Redboy776 @Reddot4 @Redhair Le Fishe @ReggieZoldyck21 @Reign @Rej @Rekien @rerere @RiShin @Rivaille @Rmstorm @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Robin swan @Roo @Rootbeer @Roronoa-sama @RoronoaZorro @Rosella.Fiamingo @Rottkins @Rukusho @RYNO @Ryu Kishi @Ryuarashi @S.W317 @Sade @Sadistic Senpai @SaintBellkin @SakazOuki @Sakazuki-Singh @Sakura no Hiluluk @Sallucion @Sanji D Cook @sanjikun @Screws Loose242 @SDfear @Senfret @Sentinel @Sentry22 @Seraphoenix @Seth @ShadyOjiro @Shanks @SHIHI @Shimotsuki Ghostly @ShinichiMugi @ShinmenTakezo @Shiroyru @Shishi @ShishioIsBack @Shishi @sidestreetboy @Sigran101 @silverfire @Sir Yasheen @SmokedOut @soheilhazrat @Sparda @spawn @spitles @Spoonbillz @SpoonDFork @Stack Bundles Chinx @stairs-kun @Starbound Beast D. Draig @Staticshadic @stealthblack @Steven @stormylife @Straight From Laughtale @straightforward @style @Sungodo @Superior to you @Swallalala @Sword God Ryuma @symbiote @T-Pein™ @T.D.A @Tai long @TEACH D TEACH @Tejas @Tenshi No Konan @Thabeast @The Buddha @The White Crane @TheAncientCenturion @thedarkdragon11 @TheKnightOfTheSea @TheRealSJay @thodoris5321 @Tobra @Tokiro Oumaga @Toph @Topi Jerami @trav @Tripod @Trueprodigy @Twin Milf @Udell @Un-amed @Uncle Van @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @uyuu @Vanellope Lhea @Veku @VersusPhD @vikas @Violent Sanji @Weeman @Welkin @WesMidnight @wh1p @Wildfire Kaios @Winsmoke Sanji @WizardKing @wordy @Worst @wraithery @Wulsam @XGoldrogeRX @Xlaw @Y-foe @Yakyu @YASER @Yasuda @Yelan @yj @Yo Tan Wa @yorosenpai @Yoru @yunzabit heights @Z-Saber @Zara @Zaretball @Zemmi @Zenos7 @ZenZu @Zoan @Zolo @zorji @Zoroe @zorojurou @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @zzShinichi

Gorosei Informer

i didn’t even watch naruto and i can say this is false :risitameh:
It absolutely is too, its completely insulting to Naruto by far. It took around 15 years for Naruto to become Hokage for us IRL.

Also the protagonist becoming hokage or maybe "Shogun" if you will is far more important than a side character becoming Shogun in a random territory in the entire series and their main role in the story is over now.
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