Did Sanji break his leg this chapter?

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That’s DJ is Fodder control bruh, especially if it’s not named, If it ain’t Hell Memories or Ifrit Jambe Sanji ain’t really tryin.
Named or not doesn't matter.
Nami is about to be killed and Sanji isn't "really trying"? Yeah stop with the damage controlling. I feel bad too for Sanji, already defeated YC2 Queen with Exo yet now he can't even injure a discounted YC1, not even a bit.


seraphims who should be similar to lunarians are arguably the most durable things around with their flames on.
Still questionable on how durable they are.
If vega has completely replicated a lunarian then WG wins every war. with mihawk seraphim. who even stands against him at this point?
If no one can damage him and he got real skills.
That doesn't matter, because the Lunarian DNA is stopping the brunt of the attack. The Wapol Metal is much more effective in reducing injury in the event the attack makes it through the skin, then if it wasn't there at all. Once you make it last the skin, nothing prevents the cut from going all the way.

It's like cutting through a metal tube with cotton in the middle, and cutting through a metal tube with stone in the middle. The cotton will do nothing to prevent the cut from being deeper, the stone will, even though the metal stopped the bulk of the momentum.
Yes but if Lunarian skin is = to metal than Wapol metal would be cotton not stone in this analogy. That's the part you are not getting
No one expects dj to do damage to lunarian it makes sense
It's dj after his pu thought, sanji is way stronger now than pre his pu.
Can you imagine what would have happen if a stronger seraphim was there?
Serajinbe is probably the weakest seraphim and half of the crew did nothing to him, Franky's laser didn't do a thing either.
You and others may say now that no one expected DJ to hurt a lunarian but some fans were even arguing that even Queen's lasers would damage king. I know that sanji didn't go all out but this chapter is a good lesson for many fans
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