Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1066 Spoilers Discussion

What "deceased" character is coming back next?

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Saul was an icicle as the island got fully buster called… Saul was ice, and the island was being set on fire while the books were in the ocean having been tossed by the Scholars

the fire of the buster call thawed Saul of the ice… It then burned him a bit but he managed to escape… He came back with bandages on and a group of giants with him… He found the books and took them to Elbaf

He is now the man marked by flames that Kid is looking for that knows about Poneglyphs and how to read them and the ancient kingdom
Man marked by flames is Rocks himself
If it is shown being saul fine, but i don't think he had the time to unfrozen himself, being covered by bandages and then carry the books.
i would say it's easier to assume he called some of his giant brothers and asked them to take the books while he saves robin
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