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Formerly Seth

Why exactly would this be a bad chapter again?
This and the last 2 chapters could easily happen in a span of 2 chapters. Dude is stretching worse than Luffy his body with Gomu powers.

The last chapter or chapter before that was simply walking around and doing fuck nothing. Complete waste of a chapter. This chapter moves the story forward/reveals something but it's not something you couldn't cram into one chapter with the previous chapter.
Unconfirmed and ran through Google Translate, but:

Chapter 1067: "The Punk Records"

Vegapunk was born a genius, but he also ate the nomi nomi "brain" fruit that allows him to store infinite information in his head but makes his head grow more and more as the information increases.

The top of Egghead, "Punk Records" is Vegapunk's brain, the apple in his head is a transmitter. Vegapunk's dream is to make the information stored in his brain usable by everyone.

Lucci's group arrives at Egghead, but Shaka warns them not to enter the island. Shaka tells the other satellites to prepare for a fight, and the original Vegapunk asks Luffy to get him away from the island.

The chapter ends with a dragon move.

Sounds plausible to me :endthis:
@Lance_Dragonite @EtenBoby @ScotchInformer @Lebrent

Formerly Seth

If we're talking about all information he has, it's a very bad thing, though. Just imagine blueprints of advanced weapons like the Seraphim or cloning tech in the wrong hands. It's bad enough Judge has this.
If this is real, Vegapunk is simply a fraud.

I'm starting to wonder if this is not Oda's plan. To present all fan favorites or the mysterious people that fans wanted to see for years as frauds.

He did it with Yonko or something, I wonder if Oda's message is not something like: "They are not that special".

Vegapunk is literally a guy who just read some books. He's not a genius inventor type.
Unconfirmed and ran through Google Translate, but:

Chapter 1067: "The Punk Records"

Vegapunk was born a genius, but he also ate the nomi nomi "brain" fruit that allows him to store infinite information in his head but makes his head grow more and more as the information increases.

The top of Egghead, "Punk Records" is Vegapunk's brain, the apple in his head is a transmitter. Vegapunk's dream is to make the information stored in his brain usable by everyone.

Lucci's group arrives at Egghead, but Shaka warns them not to enter the island. Shaka tells the other satellites to prepare for a fight, and the original Vegapunk asks Luffy to get him away from the island.

The chapter ends with a dragon move.

Sounds plausible to me :endthis:
Not a df again :/
Mid chapter except for the Dragon part
If this is real, Vegapunk is simply a fraud.

I'm starting to wonder if this is not Oda's plan. To present all fan favorites or the mysterious people that fans wanted to see for years as frauds.

He did it with Yonko or something, I wonder if Oda's message is not something like: "They are not that special".

Vegapunk is literally a guy who just read some books. He's not a genius inventor type.
Nah he is, stacking info is something, understanding in the other hand...:endthis:
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