Who's the smartest genius (no cheat codes allowed)?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Oh joy, more Oda birtherism this chapter lol.

Nobody in this ass tier manga ever became great because they worked hard or trained, everybody was simply born great and their status in the world today was simply decided by their birth lol.

Vegapunk can’t be a genius because he worked or studied hard, he was simply born a genius and ate the genius genius no mi lol. It’s times like this where I remember this is a manga written by a Japanese Neckbeard with zero social skills sitting in his basement thinking about the next pair of titties he’s going to draw lol.
@SakazOuki see I told you VP ate df

But you didn't believe me at all smh :kuzanshut:
I was the one who said that. Vegapunk fans already stealing other people’s writings :pepecafe:
If Vegapunk did actually eat a devil fruit that boosts intelligence then he’ll be a bigger meme.
It’s already been mentioned that his head changes size so it’s not looking good so far.
Oh joy, more Oda birtherism this chapter lol.

Nobody in this ass tier manga ever became great because they worked hard or trained, everybody was simply born great and their status in the world today was simply decided by their birth lol.

Vegapunk can’t be a genius because he worked or studied hard, he was simply born a genius and ate the genius genius no mi lol. It’s times like this where I remember this is a manga written by a Japanese Neckbeard with zero social skills sitting in his basement thinking about the next pair of titties he’s going to draw lol.
Judge and Queen and Caesar - The true geniuses.
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