Didn't redon confirm them?
He posted

earlier and we've yet to see what was meant by that
I think the core story of the chapter is real with Lucci and Luffy clashing but some embellishments for the sake of agenda have been added.
Lucci being scared, Akainu holding Kizaru back the exact same way as during Wano, Lucci being completely knocked out, and Lucci wanting to leave at the end of the chapter seem way too far fetched for them to happen all in one chapter.
My guess is that Lucci and Luffy fight, Lucci gets confused or disoriented by how weird and wacky Luffy's Gear 5th is, and does lose out in the clash and gets either knocked through a wall or into that tower that controls the angel warlords. With it only cutting to CP0 clashing with the angel warlords and sentomaru instead of a 1 for 1 repeat of Akainu preventing Kizaru from getting involved.
And since Lucci is awakened we'll get DF lore on that and through his reaction to Gear 5th.
That all seems like the more realistic course of events this chapter
Though of course we need to see the raws to confirm it so things can honestly go anywhere at this point