Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1069 Spoilers Discussion

Who will fight Kizaru ?

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G5 luffy is not that special it is the attacks the attacks that it can create that is special so lucci clashing with a regular pinch from g5 luffy is not that different from clashing with base luffy. Nowhere in the manga did it state that g5 luffy made Luffy physically stronger
What you mean we seen gear 5 luffy throw kaido and use him as jump rope . That is physical feats . Base luffy can’t do that .
‘Luffy power are like getting strong like gear 2 . Gear 3 for big punch. Gear 4 is power up > gear 2+3.
Gear 5 is superior to gear 4

Come one you can’t seriously compare gear 5 punch to base luffy punch.
Since he's in CP0 too, is a masked agent which are regarded elites, why not, over 2 years maybe he awakened more recently than Lucci.

He would do some silly shit with it.
I'm not against it, just that Oda would separate Lucci from Kaku power level wise so that's why think it is more likely to be about awakening
Oh shit, I didn’t notice this at first….
Admiral gang, Luffy trolling slowed down on the wank.

Goofy fans did get humbled, but lucci fixing to get destroyed next chapter
I assume humbled is referring to Luffy’s attack not knocking out Lucci. I‘m not really surprised because doing this would make it too easy. I want somewhat of a fight, not the shortest one ever!

Lucci attacking Sentomaru definitely set Luffy off. I wonder what’ll happen to him next? :catsweat:

CoC: Color of Clowns

Minks Gone Wild, Unrated Furry Garchu Action
Observation from the RAWS:

-So, Du Feld funded MADS. More proof Vegapunk is willing to work with bad people to get money for his research. Interesting to see if this leads back into more Underworld stuff, since CP0 is also connected to the underworld. Maybe the rest of Cipher Pol is out dealing with other underground elements? It's possible Du Feld still has some of Vegapunk's research (provided he somehow survived the Tea Party)

-Hattori flapping menacingly in the 3rd page is amazing

-Lucci and Luffy aren't using their strongest techniques, and already blowing the hell out of the place

-Lucci's new form is awesome, great angles and lines by Oda. He looks way more like a Leopard, now, too.

-Poor Franky, he's been trying to get Vegapunk Senpai to notice him ever since Lilith first showed up.

-CP0 didn't have a single back up plan for S-Bear getting controlled by the Punks, other than murder. Heh. Some things never change.

-Luffy being able to punch the ground and have his punches appear elsewhere is pretty broken. It's pretty much a weird application of the idea behind Pica's Fruit.

-In the second to last page, when Chopper's carrying Bonney her hair looks like his beard, it's pretty fucking funny.

-Luffy's CoO and Voice of All Things are well trained, now, he can tell Sentomaru isn't an enemy right away.

-NO! NOT THE MAN WITH THE TIGHTEST DEFENSE! SENTOMARU! Lucci also looks vaguely like Kaido in that last panel
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