Current Events Number Four Sanji emphasized by Viz Media official account

Warchief Sanji D Goat


Please don't forget this bruv

Regardless of the reason for having Jinbe with such a high bounty, Oda wanted Jinbe's head to be worth a lower price than Zoro's.
However, Oda had Jinbe's reward to be higher than Sanji's.

Why this noticeable difference?
Just like with Adv CoC "only a handful of the strongest can" "Haki surpasses it all" vs not even basic CoC
Why all this difference?
Despite WingzZZzzZzZZ?

You know the answer...
Still higher.:kayneshrug:

Oh wait

B-but W-WingZZZ and g-gaggggzzz ...

Let's see..

Zoro - Gained the moniker 'pirate hunter' for bounties he turned in BEFORE joining Luffy, thus already known. Gained a bounty after Arlong having already been known, thus he wouldn't have as usually only Captains have the bounties, but he was special because he already had a reputation. Thus started to climb the notoriety.

Sanji - Ran away from any infamy he would have originally had before joining, stayed quiet and became a nobody until joining. Had no prior notoriety so at the end of the Arlong situation, he had no reason to be on a poster as he was just one of the crew.

Every situation after that, Little Garden, Alabasta, etc. Sanji was literally playing spy and out of the way of the paparazzi. When he did have an accomplishment it looked like less because he had stayed an unknown stealth card (Alabasta (he had one fight like everyone but the one he fought was the one that turned a new league you think Bon Clay was going to be like 'yeah that guy beat me' to the officials he was trying to save them from?), Water 7). It wasn't until Enies Lobby that he fought the main law enforcement with the rest that they and the rest of the crew were recognized as trouble makers.

Zoro shone above them though because earlier notoriety. If we take these things into account, had Sanji been out in the open fighting everyone in sight like Zoro instead of trying to play secret agent, he'd probably be on the same lists of worstgen and supernovas. I completely believe he would have been as much as a threat. But like he said on TB. The marines didn't think much of him. But how could they if he'd stayed out of the light for so long?
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Warchief Sanji D Goat

Let's see..

Zoro - Gained the moniker 'pirate hunter' for bounties he turned in BEFORE joining Luffy, thus already known. Gained a bounty after Arlong having already been known, thus he wouldn't have as usually only Captains have the bounties, but he was special because he already had a reputation. Thus started to climb the notoriety.

Sanji - Ran away from any infamy he would have originally had before joining, stayed quiet and became a nobody until joining. Had no prior notoriety so at the end of the Arlong situation, he had no reason to be on a poster as he was just one of the crew.

Every situation after that, Little Garden, Alabasta, etc. Sanji was literally playing spy and out of the way of the paparazzi. When he did have an accomplishment it looked like less because he had stayed an unknown stealth card (Alabasta (he had one fight like everyone but the one he fought was the one that turned a new league you think Bon Clay was going to be like 'yeah that guy beat me' to the officials he was trying to save them from?), Water 7). It wasn't until Enies Lobby that he fought the main law enforcement with the rest that they and the rest of the crew were recognized as trouble makers.

Zoro shone above them though because earlier notoriety. If we take these things into account, had Sanji been out in the open fighting everyone in sight like Zoro instead of trying to play secret agent, he'd probably be on the same lists of worstgen and supernovas. I completely believe he would have been as much as a threat. But like he said on TB. The marnies didn't think much of him. But how could they if he'd stayed out of the light for so long?
Just ignore the haters man. No need to stress yourself out on some random fictional character hate.
Zoro fights Admirals, Captains, the Vice Captains and RHM, Lanji fights Chopper's opponents and that's supposed to be impressive around here.
Let us know when the science project fights the leader of a Yonkou organization for a world's strongest title.
No wonder the author completely differenced Zoro's prominence in the world from Sanji's (not existent) prominence in the world...

I mean... let's not forget a very compelling point
Sanji HIMSELF was absolutely sure that even if he became far stronger than he was (to the point of completely annihilating Queen, something he didn't even do with his actual power up, as was still hit and damaged and needed a sneak attack to win), but evil and emotionless (to the point of hurting girls!) ...

... still a Pre Adv CoC Zoro would have been able to kill him had he gone mad like that

Why "some fans" conveniently forget this?
Sanji himself was sure a Pre Adv CoC Zoro would have been noticeably stronger than him in a much stronger and much ruthless state than his actual one
Imagine Adv CoC Zoro compared to actual Sanji...

But ofc... Sanji fanboys know how strong the character is better than the character knows himself... nice :seriously:

It's kind of telling when someone takes a scene that's supposed to be dramatic, emotional, a point of true fear for the character, and a show of resolve and trust to a friend... and turns it into fuel for their powerscaling batmanvssuperman nonsense.

Are you seriously that shallow?
It's kind of telling when someone takes a scene that's supposed to be dramatic, emotional, a point of true fear for the character, and a show of resolve and trust to a friend... and turns it into fuel for their powerscaling batmanvssuperman nonsense.

Are you seriously that shallow?
Dramatic emotional and what not, the literal meaning the scene clearly hints is that Pre Adv CoC Zoro was much stronger than the hyphotetical ruthless evil super strong Sanji
Otherwise, the entire thing would make no sense

If he wasn't much stronger, Zoro could never stop the evil super strong Sanji (who would absolutely not care about companions, since he would not care even about women, which says all about his mind gone away), and it would make no sense for Sanji to ask him a task which he know he would not be able to perform in first place

Like it or not, it's just common sense
I literally don't care about that, since it's clearly not related to strength

Where it's stated or at least heavily hinted that the wings thing
A) Means close or equal strength
B) Is more important that the captain/right hand man thing of Pirate King Luffy/King of Hell Zoro and Pirate King Roger/Dark King Rayleigh
C) That it completely erases the completely different backgrounds, paths, powers, benchmarks and feats of the two characters involved
Where? Nowhere

Where is the manga or databook or SBS statement for this?
The one and only official thing talking about wings is in volume 73 SBS which simply says that Zoro and Sanji are trustworthy men who cover Luffy's back more than anyone else despite not getting along

Nothing more
Nothing less

Everything else is the twisted delusional desperate wishful headcanon of some sad candyboys
You don't care about it and yet you bring it up whenever you can :suresure:
Dramatic emotional and what not, the literal meaning the scene clearly hints is that Pre Adv CoC Zoro was much stronger than the hyphotetical ruthless evil super strong Sanji
Otherwise, the entire thing would make no sense

If he wasn't much stronger, Zoro could never stop the evil super strong Sanji (who would absolutely not care about companions, since he would not care even about women, which says all about his mind gone away), and it would make no sense for Sanji to ask him a task which he know he would not be able to perform in first place

Like it or not, it's just common sense
Zoro is also the only one that would mentally be prepared to do it. Do you honestly think even if Luffy was on speed dial during that talk, he would have the willingness to commit such a deed? Zoro is the most adult/mature enough one of the group that can put aside personal feelings and get things done. So if it would turn into a showdown, he's the only one that would be up to the task.

It's not always just about strength, yes Zoro is stronger than Sanji, obviously. But not to the extent that wouldn't be one bloody lengthened fight. For him to ask that wasn't just a greater than or equal to comparison.
Zoro is also the only one that would mentally be prepared to do it. Do you honestly think even if Luffy was on speed dial during that talk, he would have the willingness to commit such a deed? Zoro is the most adult/mature enough one of the group that can put aside personal feelings and get things done. So if it would turn into a showdown, he's the only one that would be up to the task.

It's not always just about strength, yes Zoro is stronger than Sanji, obviously. But not to the extent that wouldn't be one bloody lengthened fight. For him to ask that wasn't just a greater than or equal to comparison.
Again, you can't escape from this
Is literally... literal

Sanji asks Zoro "if I become a super strong but evil mad guy, please kill me"
If Zoro wasn't a fair amount stronger than that hypothetical version of Sanji, that evil Sanji (who would even hurt women, let alone a male comrade) would just kill him in turn, as he wouldn't care at all of him being a comrade
So the thing can only make sense if Pre Power Up Zoro > hypothetical Sanji > Sanji
Otherwise it makes zero sense

It's undesputable
Because Sanji would lose his mind completely, so there's no argument "he would let himself being killed and asks the only person who would be mentally prepared to do that"
He wouldn't let himself killed
On the opposite, he would try to kill people around him for the fun of it

Now one can appreciate the meaning of their bond and what not, and I can agree, absolutely
Doesn't change it's something that inherently needs Zoro to be much stronger than Sanji to work
Otherwise is just pure nonsense
As the result would not be the one Sanji wished for, but the exact opposite
I don't think Sanji is that stupid, do you?