If Destroya and Charlie are not Dragons, and Prof is more than likely an indie
Then it either means Indigo is Tohru or Prof is Tohru but a good guy all along
If Destroya and Charlie are not Dragons, and Prof is more than likely an indie
Then it either means Indigo is Tohru or Prof is Tohru but a good guy all along
Personally, I'm going to unvote Prof and we'll have to weigh some options again. I'm unsure about Indigo cause most signs point to him now but at the same time I feel he's been a great asset for town Unvote
That's too easy imo, but we don't know what's happening in PMs. Could be that it unlocks when you target/are targetted by certain character or something for example
That's too easy imo, but we don't know what's happening in PMs. Could be that it unlocks when you target/are targetted by certain character or something for example
That's too easy imo, but we don't know what's happening in PMs. Could be that it unlocks when you target/are targetted by certain character or something for example
That's too easy imo, but we don't know what's happening in PMs. Could be that it unlocks when you target/are targetted by certain character or something for example
But in my personal opinion the right answer is often times the most straight forward one
I don't think it would be something as big as an ultimate gained without anyones knowledge, there should be something to track it
And the only things we have are the Trivia or the R/P/S Tohru played
Also that's how big stuff is unlocked in most if not all Mafia games
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