Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1070 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the mysterious woman?

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Luffy can use G5 for however long he wants. He just becomes old like that whenever he de-activates it.

G5 drains Luffy's energy, but Luffy also doesn't actually feel the effects of the energy drain while in G5. So basically, Luffy can fight in G5 until it kills him.
Very similar to Sulong and the energy drugs. One of the OP youtubers talked about it. I think it was Dak's sake. Both also get completely white and red eyed.
Might be very similar in nature

It's also weird that it happens, but it's gone like after a minute. That vacuum train took 36 secs to get to lab phase and Luffy was already back to normal then.
No, its not edgy because he fights like a fucking cartoon character. The fuck? Who gives a shit about colors?
Every single time people say that g5 Luffy is cool because he’s not edgy they always have some shitty tumblr/deviantart OC black form to post for comparisons.
Here’s the thing, an edgelord doesn’t mean someone cloaked in dark using blood/darkness as a weapon, by literal definition, an edgelord is someone that provokes with risqué behaviour, g5 Luffy uses “cartoon powers”, which allows him to ignore various form of pain and impose his will to others through his cartoon manipulation on enemies, all while making them look pathetic.
Making their opponents look like a joke, random psychotic laughs during their attacks, antisocial and anti authority behaviour, but still liked and worshipped by everyone that’s the best type of cocktail for an edgelord kid to self insert, and you come around with the cartoon bullshit, rofl, guess what Moonman is a cartoon, he’s white, has shades, antiauthority, antisemitic and if you were old enough to know about YTMND lore, you’d know he had toonforce too


You can't win
Lucci is probably armament focused judging by the little starting hype around him managing to break through Sentomaru's adcoa, which was hyped preskip to be his forte, and he was hyped in the previous chapter to be fast, with great control over his awakening, something stated to be rare

He did fine for his level. It's just that Luffy reached Yonko level, with greater speed, future sight, while fighting with his peak lvl mode(G5), and thus making Lucci weaker than he actually is

Any YC1 lvl would not have fared any better
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