Gorosei Informer

- Last page we have Kizaru and Luffy preparing to fight.
Can't wait for the ultimate monke on monkey action/fight! Yellow Monkey Kizaru vs Monkey D Luffy ofc!

Seriously though, someone said its been well over a decade since Luffy met and faced Kizaru which is true ofcand thus its gonna make this fateful reunion all the more poignanta nd powerful, given what happened at Sabaody and Marineford ofc! (How many times must I say ofc? Lmao)

If Luffy is ironically the one to make Kizaru get serious, that would be even better! Extremely fitting and poetic! Maybe even scare him a little? Luffy is super goofy right now but I hope he gets serious again for Kizaru, but maybe in a sadistic, trolling way too, so its like what he did to Kaido but with a darker/more vengeful tone and intention to it? If that makes sense? Kinda like how The Mask was in the comics apparently? Much darker than the film?

Either way, assuming they do fight as they should regardless, it should make for a spectacular fight, even in the most literal sense of the word given their powers and especially Kizarus ofc. First Yonko vs Admiral fight since Marineford too?! In canon and not counting Shanks wifi haki threatening Green Bull ofc lol.

I really hope Oda delivers on this hype/potential. Yonko Luffy vs an Admiral is too good to waste the chance!

Gorosei Informer

Why Teach laughing in that pic?
Killer kills both Burgess & Auger by himself lmao, damn losers don't stand a chance

Pretty sure Teach has enough heart to cry his old school fellas :risitasad:
Delightfully spicy response as I was hoping for, ahaha!


Yeah, Killer should be facing no one weaker than Shiryu really. I dont see Burgess as superior to Shiryu at all, especially if Shiryu is meant to be Zoros opponent as he should be. I cant see Burgess vs Zoro and I don't want that.

Maybe we could get Kidd pirates vs BB and we get SHs vs RHP instead? Thematically, Kidd Pirates would make for a great clash vs a crew like Blackbeards too!

I really hope we see Kidd and co clash with a Yonko crew on screen but knowing Oda, he might make it Cross Guild to fuck with us to think of it, but that would mean Crocodile and Mihawk vs Kidd and co, which is a HELL an insanely epic and controversial setup ironically too! I'd love to see the Kidd pirates take on Shanks and co again or BB and his crew but man, given Kidd openly hates Buggy too and how much of a goofy troll Oda is, he might give us Kidd vs Buggy and co lol.

I agree entirely though too ofc, Killer wrecks Auger and Burgess definitely. As much as I like Auger, he seems like a glass cannon due to being a sniper too (although Usopp is amazingly durable/resilient) and maybe these post Wano fights, assuming Kidd gets a major one like Law has vs BB could lead to them being declared Yonkos as they actually deserve too? Or at least being regarded as equivalent to them in the story? I guess having equal bounties to Luffy helps ofc though, as well as taking down a Yonko too...
