Thanks for the synopsis/reviews, I'll definitely be starting this one in the next few days. Slowburners usually end up being good for me, I always judge too quick and get a kinda eh feel from the pace and then they amp up the tiniest bit and drag me straight into the depths of fandom
You're a godsend with all the Reddit theories and shit man, I don't have the patience to trawl through all the cringe shit that goes on there. It's almost hard to exist there and not flame the fuck out of kirosh and the tards
Seatonnes urouge wank is legendary, Im praying urouge looks like a God for his sake.
Haha, fair enough! Based on the synopsis ghostly sent through I think you hit the nail on the head with the only problem being it's only 160 chapters 😭
All good man! By any chance have you seen Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul? I strongly recommend Breaking Bad, it is FANTASTICALLY written, acted, directed, with Goda levels of foreshadowing and symbolism unironically! Really blew me away how good it was! I'm on BCS now, only watched a few episodes, was a bit shaky to start but it got good by the end of the 1st episode and thus the next one too! Breaking Bad fans were in for some very nice surprises hahaha! I gotta see that successor film
El Camino too. Not sure if I need to spoiler it but I suspected that film was related to the Breaking Bad universe and it turns out it actually was as I found out from fans whilst watching BB lol.
Thats exactly it, you have to savour them and embrace the lack of intensity/action/excitement from early on, its like when I play MOBA games and late game carries suck ass to play early in the match, they are fragile, usually can't farm (get gold and XP easily) and thus die easily but if allowed to farm and thus "get fed" or at least scrounge enough, they can get anywhere from very to absolutely terrifying and dangerous to deal with too! Its like how Shonen MCs end up absolutely broken by the end, completely busted in power and such ofc!
Series like that seem to really rely on the buildup, which OP also does heavily and its getting more and more so over time with Odas choices ands such too ofc.
I feel you on that slight bit of amping up leading to hype and getting involved in the fanbase, like walking too close to quicksand and getting sucked in lol. Or flying near a black hole if you will.
You're welcome anyway man! Tyvm hahaha, thats very flattering/kind of you to say that, I'm honoured! I can completely understand on how frustrating and cringe Reddit is. Its extremely obnoxious to try to browse it via mobile these days too, especially without the crappy app ironically, the crapp even. Hahahaha that Kirosh roast!
Yeah, Seatonnes is a true devotee of Urouge, the ultimate one even ofc! Oda does tend to make Urouge look really good when he shows him, even making him the 1st Supernova to defeat a Yonko Commander in the story too!
I'm so disappointed, frustrated but not surprised by how Oda is handling Bonney instead though, sigh. Such a fucking waste/let down. A sort of Big Mom 2.0 in a way, which is ironic given Bonney has major similarities to her but still no justification/explanation from Oda on why. May as well just made her a successful clone of BM at this rate because why not?