The poltitical left's use of minority is bs

It just means whatever group they want to prop up
It's why women despite being factually what 52 percent of the population
they are a minority, it's because they want to support them and being a minority means good

Even tho minority to them means nothing but people, I wish to support
Like factually the rich elite are a minority, they are 1 percent of the population and nobody is saying they are a minority

Is it because they have power? wealth?
If minority is defined by power to the left then wouldt everyone be a minority afterall class theory teaches of oppression based on what your class like the bourgeoise vs the proletariat but despite all these marxists citing karl marx. they actually dont follow his idea of discrimination on the basis of class instead of thinking it's a multi layered system where having more racial purity means better or worse sorta like fascist theory except of a blonde blue eyed aryan as the pure ideal with jews or whatever being the sin, it's the black gay transgender woman as the pure ideal person with the evil being a white straight religious man

Really having your value in this system determinized by the external characteristics of your race and gender, Is exactly what nazis did but leftists despite claiming to hate nazis love to censor the media and control it for propaganda purposes sorta like another poltitical party cant guess what that would be tho
just cant put my finger on who else used the media to manipulate the denizens

Sarcasm aside
really hard to say the systems are much different when they act nigh identical
Intergenerational trauma is an all-encompassing term.
You cannot put a "time limit" on when something like poverty impacts a child. There is no time limit on when a child may react negatively to their external environment brought on by something like poverty, neglect, sexual assault, war, etc.
A child, theoretically, could persevere in a place that restricts social and psychological growth. A child could also react to their imporvished environment where they develop PTSD or struggle with life at an early age or a later age.

It's dependent on a number of factors.

But there is a higher risk of children developing trauma/PTSD not being able to have a limited set of "tools" to persevere. They usually have to rely on themselves - but if they are not taught to take care of themselves or an external factor (parenting) fails to teach them, they won't have understanding on coping mechanisms.

There are more extreme examples on why and how transgenerational trauma occurs and manifests - the Holocaust is a harrowing example of this in action.
When the entire social structures were violently destroyed and the people subject to biological and cultural genocide, and when this has long lasting effects that influence a community to this day then no, people are not just going to be 'fine' after a few generations

Probably gonna be controversial but the "long lasting effects that influence a community" and ptsd are two different things. Call it "intergenerational trauma" if you want, it may have the word trauma in it but it's not the same thing. Saying that you are sick because of something that you never experienced from hundreds of years ago is a bit of a stretch. But yes, racism will always exist.