Scopper Gaban ate a zoan reinder fruit after the Roger Pirates disbanded and hit his head very hard while in reinder form, he then forgot all of his past and thought he was a reinder.
So Chopper Gaban has COC confirmed. Looks like someone is kicking sanji all the way down to 5th place.
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What about it?
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The theory that Zoro is going to turn in Luffy to the marines at the end is going to become true.
There is a reason why he is still called Pirate Hunter :myman: and why its called swords.
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Additonal info about SWORD
- during the timeskipp Sengoku made contact with 1 of the strawhats and talked him/her into joining SWORD!!
What happened to that chicken who two days ago, on twitter, was writing that we would have the first spoilers on the 12th, that is yesterday?

Remember I bet my own dick how fake that shit was? When I bet, I always win. Ah, that clown on twitter, moreover, has shamefully deleted that status, eliminating the evidence of his ridiculous failure...
What happened to that chicken who two days ago, on twitter, was writing that we would have the first spoilers on the 12th, that is yesterday?

Remember I bet my own dick how fake that shit was? When I bet, I always win. Ah, that clown on twitter, moreover, has shamefully deleted that status, eliminating the evidence of his ridiculous failure...
Congrats! Now he has to give you his dick.