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Ye , and I don’t want to overshare but I’m pretty confident it was probably on your end and not mine. I may try it again at another time.
well she’s rolecrushed rn so not sure if you can test your theory now?
Yes, I'm caught up now.
These are my town reads from strongest to least. Naomi, Midnight, Conq, Watson.

I town hunt and scum hunt. Mainly I do town hunting the most.
Alot of players here are playing weird which makes it hard for me to find more town.
can you list reasoning why you believe they are all town for you?

weird in which way can you explain about who you are referring?
my theory is, he is just idling it out because that way he spews as less as possible, maybe we can find something by ISOing his D where he was active
he hasn’t really been active when I’ve been around I called him out on it. iirc he did defend flower though about the fluffing as a top poster and not trying. thts the only real interaction I got from him other than that he’s been silent.
Midnight still isn't confirmed town or anything like that in my books. Remember this is a multiball.
whoo I’m liking rej more and more - one of the only peeps to understand this bit/
do you believe that’s town or scum indictive?
i did a read around midday last cycle, but from the start of this cycle and a quick skim of posts i feel that Pero and Rhea are pretty coast-y and not doing much to push reads, and for Mr. Reloaded, he’s either scum or a very confused town. But tbh i’m slight leaning towards town since he keeps giving nothing answers. I’d expect that if he’s in a scum chat his posts here would have more substance when prompted as to appear better, or just be totally inactive altogether since he’s so new.
noted thanks.
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